Well-Known Member
It is with great zeal and fervor that a well-meaning board member habitually cites his own version of earthly illustrations to allegedly ‘prove’ the truth of the doctrines which he holds most dear. Below I give an example followed by reasons why they ‘fall short of the glory of God' and the truth of Scripture.
Example # 1: “The word of God only effectually works in those that believe.
It is like shouting fire in a theater, it is easy to see who believes, because it will work in them, they will run to the exits. Those who do not believe will remain in their seats.”
Refutation: In the illustration a liar shouts ‘fire’ in a theater. There is no fire. Some deceived patrons believe the lie and flee. Others recognize where there is no smoke, there is no fire and remain in their seats. No supernatural power or revelation is necessary. The voice they hear is human. They all hear with the same human ability with which they were born.
However, the Bible teaches a much different truth.
God is Spirit and is no liar. There is a spiritual Lake of Fire awaiting all men. For all men are born guilty, sinful God-haters.
The Devil is a liar, the god of this world. He preaches ‘God loves you. Recite a simple Sinners Prayer. Then all will be well with your soul.’ This sermon men hear because it appeals to their flesh. Men willingly believe Satan over Christ…..there is no Hellfire awaiting them, for they acknowledge facts about Jesus.
Christ came to Earth as the Light of the World. But men love darkness [Satan] and hate the Light [Christ]. Despite the many proofs of His being the Messiah --- fulfillment of prophecy, miracles, teachings, lifestyle, His own testimony, etc. --- Jesus was hated, persecuted and murdered. Evil men willingly did this despite Jesus’ many truthful warnings of Hell fire and Brimstone Judgment coming upon those who will not believe on Him.
All men are born of the flesh, sons of Satan; enemies of God. They hear and obey Satan, their father. As a result, all men are born spiritually deaf to the spiritual truth of God and Jesus Christ.
Only the miraculous, supernatural power of God heals man’s spiritual deafness.
“See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.” (Deut. 32:39)
“And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he [Jesus] maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.” (Mark 7:31-37)
“He that hath ears to hear [spiritual truths], let him hear [with understanding].” (Matt. 11:15)
“He that hath an ear [to hear spiritual truths], let him hear [with understanding] what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Rev. 2:7 and numerous other citations in the Revelation)
Conclusion: The board member introduces many profound errors through his illustration.
• He denies the biblical view of the gravity of man’s inherent sin nature.
• He denies the biblical view of Satan’s power over mankind, as well as man’s natural kinship to him.
• He glorifies man, in effect exalting him to godhood by claiming his power to reverse spiritual deafness, a miracle as stunning as that which Jesus performed when He healed those deaf from birth.
• He denies the need of God’s miraculous spiritual life-giving, healing power in order for man to hear and act upon God's spiritual truths.
Example # 1: “The word of God only effectually works in those that believe.
It is like shouting fire in a theater, it is easy to see who believes, because it will work in them, they will run to the exits. Those who do not believe will remain in their seats.”
Refutation: In the illustration a liar shouts ‘fire’ in a theater. There is no fire. Some deceived patrons believe the lie and flee. Others recognize where there is no smoke, there is no fire and remain in their seats. No supernatural power or revelation is necessary. The voice they hear is human. They all hear with the same human ability with which they were born.
However, the Bible teaches a much different truth.
God is Spirit and is no liar. There is a spiritual Lake of Fire awaiting all men. For all men are born guilty, sinful God-haters.
The Devil is a liar, the god of this world. He preaches ‘God loves you. Recite a simple Sinners Prayer. Then all will be well with your soul.’ This sermon men hear because it appeals to their flesh. Men willingly believe Satan over Christ…..there is no Hellfire awaiting them, for they acknowledge facts about Jesus.
Christ came to Earth as the Light of the World. But men love darkness [Satan] and hate the Light [Christ]. Despite the many proofs of His being the Messiah --- fulfillment of prophecy, miracles, teachings, lifestyle, His own testimony, etc. --- Jesus was hated, persecuted and murdered. Evil men willingly did this despite Jesus’ many truthful warnings of Hell fire and Brimstone Judgment coming upon those who will not believe on Him.
All men are born of the flesh, sons of Satan; enemies of God. They hear and obey Satan, their father. As a result, all men are born spiritually deaf to the spiritual truth of God and Jesus Christ.
Only the miraculous, supernatural power of God heals man’s spiritual deafness.
“See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.” (Deut. 32:39)
“And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he [Jesus] maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.” (Mark 7:31-37)
“He that hath ears to hear [spiritual truths], let him hear [with understanding].” (Matt. 11:15)
“He that hath an ear [to hear spiritual truths], let him hear [with understanding] what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Rev. 2:7 and numerous other citations in the Revelation)
Conclusion: The board member introduces many profound errors through his illustration.
• He denies the biblical view of the gravity of man’s inherent sin nature.
• He denies the biblical view of Satan’s power over mankind, as well as man’s natural kinship to him.
• He glorifies man, in effect exalting him to godhood by claiming his power to reverse spiritual deafness, a miracle as stunning as that which Jesus performed when He healed those deaf from birth.
• He denies the need of God’s miraculous spiritual life-giving, healing power in order for man to hear and act upon God's spiritual truths.