I have about 5 or 6 out of 600 or so friends on FB that that covered their pictures with the rainbow. Oddly enough, most of them are not gay - just gay supporters. And they are young - in their early to mid 20's. I'm not going to unfriend them and I'm not going to lovingly warn them that I'll unfriend them if they don't change it. They know I am opposed to gay marriage because I have said so.
I post scriptures all of the time. I posted last Friday a brief sample from the majority and dissenting opinion and briefly explained how these two philosophies cannot co-exist. Some of my lost friends on FB - there are several - ask for prayer sometimes. I post to them that I am praying. I make invitations to my church on FB.
I have about a dozen gay friends on FB - former students who are now adults. I ran into one Wednesday at a wake at a funeral home. If I had unfriended her on FB, because she didn't meet what I feel are moral standards, how could I have hugged her and talked to her -with genuine interest in her life - and told her that I pray for her. Many have scorned her. I can't. I won't. Yes, she is in sin. Yes, she needs Jesus.
That's why I post the things I do on FB. That's my ONLY connection with these former students. Some live out of state and I'll never see them in person again. I don't sugar coat anything and they already know where I stand and by my NOT unfriending them, they see and hear the word and the truth from someone they respect.
These people sought ME out. They sent ME friend requests. It's my job as a Christian to present Christ to them via this strange vehicle called Facebook. For the most part, I am offended more at the straight people and gay marriage opposers who occasionally post profane things on FB. I "hide" those posts, but I don't unfriend them for the same reasons.
I've addressed that topic on FB, too. With scriptures, with humility, and with love.