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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ

    Romans 4.

    In this chapter Paul gave special attention to Faith in GOD. Faith always has been a very special subject in the Bible.

    Here Paul decided to identify Faith as the most essential part in worship and service of GOD and relate Faith as its source to Abraham as a father of Faith, making him example of Faith for all humanity.

    Of course, and before Abraham and even before flood, some individuals faithfully served and worshiped GOD, but Paul chose only Abraham as example of Faith, because Abraham is the father of the 12 tribes of Israel, chosen people by GOD to be His people, to serve and to worship Him.

    So, in this case the Faith of Abraham supposed to pass to all his descendants, forever, to all those who in their spirit Faithful to GOD as Abraham their father was.

    Faith is the Spiritual entity and can be obtain by anyone, not by the Jews only through their father Abraham, but also and by any Gentile if they truly believe in GOD of Israel from their heart as Abraham did, and willing dedicate their lives only to this GOD.

    In this case Gentiles will become not the physical descendants of Abraham like Jews are, but the Spiritual descendants of Abraham by their own spirit, which is much higher status than just being the physical descendant of Abraham.

    For this reason, GOD said to Abraham that he will be the father of many nations (Romans 4.13.17-18) (Genesis 12.3, 17.5.16, 18.18, 22.17-18, 26.4) (Acts 3.25) (Galatians 3.16). This means that Abraham not only the father of the nation of Israel but also and of some other nations, but not in physical-genealogical terms but in Spiritual terms.

    Verse 18 looks a little bit confusing but can be decipher in this way, that in Abraham's hope to have a child, according to the promise of GOD to him, Abraham even hoped more in GOD having seeing power of GOD and His might, deeply believing that His promise to him certainly will come true.

    Because of it Abraham's Hope turned to Faith, and he faithfully believe GOD that He will fulfill His promises.

    Abraham was truly exceptional man and when he had received a son from GOD as He has promised him, Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his only son when GOD asked him do it for Him, and according to the Faith and Trust of Abraham to GOD, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son for him, thinking that GOD is able resurrect the dead and give his son back to him alive (verse 17).

    Abraham has no Scripture, no Law, not even a word from anyone to prove that GOD is able to do such thing as resurrect the dead (Hebrews 11.19). This proves that Abraham indeed the father of Spiritual Faith in GOD, but the only Spiritual Faith by which any person on Earth can please GOD, be the child of GOD, and be saved.

    For this reason, GOD even call Abraham as His friend (2Chronicles 20.7) (Isaiah 41.8) (James 2.23), just like GOD also speak to Moses His friend (Exodus 33.11). Can be any other title or status in Earth or in Heaven higher than what?

    Such Faith of Abraham GOD reckoned to him as Righteousness (Genesis 15.6). David said that no one is righteous before GOD (Psalm of David 143.2) (Ecclesiastes 7.20), "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD." Romans 3.23.

    This is true, but Paul talking here not about GOD'S Righteousness but about human righteousness, means to be righteous before GOD as humanly possible.

    According to the Statement concerning Righteousness (Genesis 15.6), Righteousness "based on Faith" (Romans 10.6), actually better to say "derives" from Faith, and also a source of many other Spiritual Qualities that are necessary to become the true descendant of Abraham, the child of GOD and even His friend!


    Verse 15 points out that the Law brings wrath of GOD, means, the Law indicate punishments for its violations. But there is no Law, neither is the violation of the Law.

    But we have another, not written Law - the Law of Conscience embedded in us from the creation of the first man.

    Conscience is the Spiritual Law of GOD that is also written in the Law of Moses. So, before the written Law of Moses, the Spiritual Law of Moses already has been written in human souls as their Conscience, and it takes over our mind. thoughts, and behavior.

    Those who lived under the Law of Moses, have been judged by the written Law of Moses, because the Law of Moses was presented to them in written physical form and reminds, checks, supports, and always policing our Conscience, in order not to break and violate the Spiritual Law of Moses in our Conscience.

    Today, under the Christ, we are still judged by GOD according to the written Spiritual Law of Moses and the same Law of our Spiritual Conscience to which Jesus Christ teach us constantly leaving behind the Ritualistic Law of Moses that under Christ became obsolete.