Grr. Argh. Don't these dadblamed idjits realize what the fall-out of their actions is going to be?
I'm not saying they don't have the right to protest things; and I'm not saying they shouldn't sit back and do nothing; but I am saying, when you use a medium that a government has given themselves the authority to shut down and/or control, don't be surprised when the majority of the people on whose behalf you think you're "fighting" for, are suddenly very angry with you because that government has exercised their self-given authority and limited the "average joe" use of that medium....
Grr. Argh. Don't these dadblamed idjits realize what the fall-out of their actions is going to be?
I'm not saying they don't have the right to protest things; and I'm not saying they shouldn't sit back and do nothing; but I am saying, when you use a medium that a government has given themselves the authority to shut down and/or control, don't be surprised when the majority of the people on whose behalf you think you're "fighting" for, are suddenly very angry with you because that government has exercised their self-given authority and limited the "average joe" use of that medium....