And I have lots of respect for you, LE! And so many of my friends here at BB.
In answer to your question, BiR (and perhaps some of these are mistaken impressions of his positions):
--He is pro-life/anti-abortion (the LA Times thing seems very weak).
--He seems to be strongly in favor of tightening the southern border and against amnesty. In that regard, he doesn't seem to have a problem differing with a sitting Republican President which I respect (yes, President Bush can be and has often been wrong on issues).
--He has been strongly supportive of President Bush's efforts both in the war in Iraq and the GWOT.
--He is for a strong national defense.
--He seems to be against extending marriage or civil unions to homosexuals.
--He seems to be for picking strict constructionists for the Supreme Court (for many of the issues on which some may argue he can't have much impact as President, the power of appointment gives him that impact).
--As one with neoconservative leanings on foreign policy, I have no problems with whatever "ties" Thompson has to AEI.
--He seems to take a realist view of the threat from China and North Korea.
--In general, he seems to be a solid conservative (tho some of my friends here obviously disagree with that).