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Garage Band on Mac



Anyone know about using this program? I cant figure out why my keyboard isnt recording into the program. I have all the midi stuff hooked up. Thanks

Baptist Believer

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TaterTot said:
Anyone know about using this program? I cant figure out why my keyboard isnt recording into the program. I have all the midi stuff hooked up. Thanks
I just noticed this thread...

Have you figured it out yet, or do you still need help?


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Did you reboot the computer? My hubby says to never ask him why something doesn't work unless I've done that. LOL!!

I'll ask my audio engineer/pastor/computer engineer hubby when he gets home if he has any ideas. He's good at this stuff! Ya know, he actually designed one of the original disk-based recording systems? It was the Prodisk 464, first manufactured by Digital Dynamics and then purchased by Otari (who then did nothing with it).

So, hopefully DH will have an idea.



Thanks, yall. Its a brand new computer, so I am pretty sure that its this old Wondows junkie that cant get it figured out.


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Is your keyboard a midi controller or does it also have a synthesizer with and audio output? Are you trying to record the MIDI and then have it re-trigger a soft-synth or some external synth or just record the audio output of your keyboard, assuming that it's not just a controller. Please let me know which you are trying to do, and I'll see if I can help.



New Member
TaterTot said:
I cant figure out why my keyboard isnt recording into the program.

Here is your problem, keyboards are for typing not recording... :thumbs:

No need to thank me, your satisfaction with my response is thanks enough...


Well-Known Member
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LeBuick said:
Here is your problem, keyboards are for typing not recording... :thumbs:

No need to thank me, your satisfaction with my response is thanks enough...

LOL - I thought the same thing at first!! ROTFL!!


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You didn't mention what you have done, but there are some recording controls in START/CONTROL PANEL/SOUNDS-DEVICES/ and click the audio tab. While there on the first tab click advanced and make sure none of the items are muted. There are sound and midi controls there.

Other than that be sure your in's and out's are hooked up right. My wife's cables are labeled incorrectly to the logical mind :tongue3: and I had them hooked up backwards.


I have checked the on/out cords and have switched them as well. Nothing is muted either.

Bob asked: Is your keyboard a midi controller or does it also have a synthesizer with and audio output?
*I am assuming it is a midi controller (?) - it has a Midi output. Its a nice Yamaha professional keyboard.

BOB: Are you trying to record the MIDI and then have it re-trigger a soft-synth or some external synth or just record the audio output of your keyboard, assuming that it's not just a controller.
* I am just trying to record from my keyboard into the computer so I can have an accompaniment for a program.

Is that enuf info for you to help me? lol

Please let me know which you are trying to do, and I'll see if I can help.


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Did the tutorial help at all? Sorry Bob didn't have much time but it seemed our server (which holds the church website, our e-mails and all of his web client's websites and e-mails) was going funky last night. He spent 6 hours AFTER coming home from church trying to get it fixed because he's in NY City today for a ministry meeting. I THINK he got it fixed because my e-mails are working again. So he didn't have much time last night to do anything else (I DID make him put Robby to bed since I was holding Joanna who had terrible croup).


Goodness, I hope you are all well soon.

I looked at the tutorial, and its very similar to the one on the Mac that I looked at. I am still very unfamiliar with the Mac (but I like it). I am going to try a few more things and see if I can get it worked out. Thanks so much!


Active Member
If your Mac is new then you still qualify for support on the iLife apps for the first 90 days.
If you got Apple Care then you get support for 3 years.
I am familiar with GarageBand but I don't have a MIDI keyboard.


New Member
Dale-c said:
If your Mac is new then you still qualify for support on the iLife apps for the first 90 days.
If you got Apple Care then you get support for 3 years.
I am familiar with GarageBand but I don't have a MIDI keyboard.

Oh yea, I forgot about that. We bought some deal where we take our daughters IPOD to the "genious" who always trades it for a new one. Hopefully Tater got Apple support cuz I thought they were the original plug and play.


Well I finally got frustrated and gave up. I am going to just play it live and direct from the keyboard. Thanks yall.


Active Member
TaterTot said:
Well I finally got frustrated and gave up. I am going to just play it live and direct from the keyboard. Thanks yall.


lets make sure you have the basic down 1st.

1) go to Track menu.
2) pick "new track" near the middle of the list. do not choose "new basic track" the last on the list.
3) When "new track" is choosen a box will come up asking if you want a software instrument or a real instrument. Choose real instrument.
4) a new track will pop up. Off to the right track info will show. At the top of track info will be two buttons. make sure you have real instrument choosen.
5) The lower right is monitor. If you have headphones turn this on. If not leave off. If you leave off you will not hear, but you can see if it works by watching the sound wave. It is best if you have headphones.
6) The lower left of the info box you will find details. Click on this.
7) Set Gate, Compressor, equalizer, echo here OR.....Go to top of info box and pick from the preset Equalizer. Also in preset you will find "no effect".
8) go to the new track you just made (to the left) and turn on the headphones (a little small button that looks like a headphone) and also turn on the record botton(round button right next to the headphone button).

At this point if you have headphones you should hear something when you play. If you do not something is wrong. You are not recording now.

If you do hear something you can play with the settings to get the right sound. When ready to record, hit the record button near the middle of the screen. This looks like a tape player button. This should record what you play.
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