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Give Praise to the God of All Grace

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by KenH, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Art thou made of the king’s council? Forbear: Why shouldest thou be smitten? 2 Chronicles 25:16.

    Horrid ingratitude! No sooner was Amaziah returned from the slaughter of the Edomites, but, instead of erecting an altar to the Lord of Hosts, who had given him success, he falls into idolatry, and burns incense to their gods. He went to war without God. He returns victorious, sets up idols, and forsakes the Lord. Vain confidence is departing from the Lord, and the first step to idolatry. Never think of a sin being subdued, a grace strengthened, or a comfort enjoyed, without giving all glory to the grace of Christ. Look at thy victories with humility. Know self to be as great an idol, as the gods of the Edomites. Though the Lord’s anger was kindled against Amaziah, yet he is long-suffering to sinners. He sends his prophet to reprove him. He gives him a most severe sarcasm. “Why hast thou sought after the gods of the people, who could not deliver their own people out of thy hand?” This is an instance of the greatest folly and madness. Wilt thou, O Christian, sacrifice to the goodness of thy heart, or burn incense to the pride of thy free will? Could these deliver thee from the hands of thine enemies? Nay, if the Lord had not restrained the wickedness of thine heart, and bowed the stubborn rebellion of thy will, they would have delivered thee into the hands of thine enemies, and eternal destruction had been thy doom. O constantly sacrifice to free-grace. Let the sweet incense of praise ascend from thy heart this night to the God of all grace, the Saviour of wicked-hearted, proud sinners! How does Amaziah behave under this sharp reproof? Why, instead of falling under conviction, and repenting of his base ingratitude, and ridiculous conduct, he falls upon the Lord’s prophet. Like Ahab to Elijah, “Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?” So he asks, “Art thou made of the king’s council?” And he threatened him. O it is a dreadful sign, to be angry with a faithful reprover of one’s sin! When the horrid consequence of sin is laid before us, it is a vain, foolish shift of the devil to ask, What! have you been in the Lord’s cabinet-council? Or when the doctrine of God’s electing love is spoken of; some foolishly demand, Are you one of the Lord’s privy-council? No. But we know the Lord’s mind concerning sin, grace, and salvation, in his word, without searching the records of eternity. There it is written as with a sunbeam. Impenitent sinners shall die in their sins, and be damned for their sins. All who are saved, it is by the free grace of God abounding to sinners in Christ Jesus.

    Lord, soften this hard heart of mine,
    Each kind reproof to feel;
    And yield unto thy wise design,
    To keep my soul from ill.

    - William Mason, A Spiritual Treasury For The Children of God, Volume 2, November 14
  2. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974 Active Member
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    Feb 18, 2005
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    He is the Giver of Grace and Merciful and Forgiving. But He despises sin remember. And that He gives us however the chance to repent and redeem ourselves by asking Christ Jesus to do so. He is a just and merciful but also that He only is angered with the justified reasons and not for the wrong ones. He only wants people to be really remorseful for their sinning and not taking Him for granted.
  3. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    It is impossible for us fallen, ungodly sinners to redeem or justify ourselves, or contribute to the process at all. Only God saves by His free sovereign grace. Salvation is 100% for the glory of God and 0% to the glory of man.