This is one of the most beautiful videos I've ever seen. If you have HD ability on your PC or tablet, be sure to switch to HD. Either way, you will witness what is going on in your backyard when you are in the house surfing the web (LOL).
What I liked most about this video is it clearly speaks of God's creative design for life. Seeing the hummingbirds, bees and bats, and even butterflies, will remind you of the greater plan God had before He created man to be part of this world! Everything you will see, speaks volumes about the plan He had before, and after He put Adam and Eve in the Garden.
Nothing goes on without God's wisdom being demonstrated, because in order for life to be sustained on earth, all these other "minor and little" details must first take place! From the pollinating of an orange tree to the strawberry plant, God had a rhyme and reason for all of life!
This video should strengthen your, you could send it to your non-believing family and friends. It may cause them to do some more thinking about what they're missing out on in this life and the one to come!
What did you think of this? Would love to hear from you! :thumbs:
What I liked most about this video is it clearly speaks of God's creative design for life. Seeing the hummingbirds, bees and bats, and even butterflies, will remind you of the greater plan God had before He created man to be part of this world! Everything you will see, speaks volumes about the plan He had before, and after He put Adam and Eve in the Garden.
Nothing goes on without God's wisdom being demonstrated, because in order for life to be sustained on earth, all these other "minor and little" details must first take place! From the pollinating of an orange tree to the strawberry plant, God had a rhyme and reason for all of life!
This video should strengthen your, you could send it to your non-believing family and friends. It may cause them to do some more thinking about what they're missing out on in this life and the one to come!
What did you think of this? Would love to hear from you! :thumbs: