Does your church have one? I have been in churches that had stockpiles of tracts to take, others that had a more limited section, and yet others that did not use tracts. Since Way of the Master, Gospel Tract Planet, One Million Tracts, and other tract ministries sell lots of tracts, churches are obviously buying them. Someone at Living Waters told me they sell over a million tracts a month so they are being used in both Calvinist and Arminian churches. Many IFB churches use Chic Cartoon tracts which is another popular tract ministry.
Regardless of the opinion of them from many on this board, do realize that there are many that disagree with you. So tell me about your experience in churches and of those that had lots of tracts to take.
Regardless of the opinion of them from many on this board, do realize that there are many that disagree with you. So tell me about your experience in churches and of those that had lots of tracts to take.