FPA is the group behind “Let’s grow with Nisha and Joe”, a comic-style sex education booklet for six-year-olds.
The group was one of the most vocal proponents of the programme of compulsory in-depth sex education which the Government intends to introduce for school children as young as five.
Just so folks caught it, this is the UK government, not america. But these UK ideals are what our dems are about.
I chose this quote because it highlights the moral depravity to which a government may sink. If anyone tried to have an "in-depth sex education" talk with my five year old I would hire a lawyer and sue them.
But the bottom line is that if this style of thinking makes it way into American law, then it is an immoral law, contrary to the Law of God and natural law. No citizen would be commiting lawless to disregard, disobey, and openly resist such law.
By the grace of Almighty God and in the Name of Jesus Christ I do commit by His grace to resist all such immorality using any means necessary to safeguard the innocence of my children. I refuse to allow my children to be subjected to such wicked immorality.