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Harry Potter, Evil Wizard?!?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by CTTYaz, Dec 13, 2001.

  1. CTTYaz

    CTTYaz New Member

    Dec 13, 2001
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    Harry Potter, evil wizard?

    I am not a reader of the Harry Potter series. Nor I am I a believer in magic, witches, or wizardry. I am a believer in God. I love God, and Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, enough to not fall for evil ones. Yes, I am a religious fanatic, and I don't care what you say about me, because I am not ashamed of my beliefs. You, if you read the Harry Potter books should be ashamed. As said in Deuteronomy 18:10-19 "Let no one be found among you who practices witchcraft, wizardry, or casts spells, because these things are detestable to your God." I am praying you will find your way. Think about it, the school is Hogwarts and there they learn what? WITCHCRAFT.

    Harry Potter: Witchcraft repackaged: Making evil look innocent

    "The Bible is clear about issues such as witchcraft, demons, devils and the occult...they are real, powerful and dangerous. Throughout it insists that God's people should have nothing to do with them." Carol Rookwood, Principal, St. Mary's Island School in Kent, UK
    "The books are set in surroundings involving sorcery and witchcraft. WE STRONGLY CONDEMN THESE WRITINGS, AS THEY ARE FULL OF WITCHCRAFT AND SORCERY. The Bible is strong in its condemnation of these things." G.T. Armstrong

    Just because its worth a lot of A.R. points and a lot of people read those books doesn’t mean its right or that you should. You may be thinking right now,"Ba Humbug!!! Its only pretend!!!”Do you not agree that it still promotes witchcraft? God hates anything to do with witchcraft. If you don't believe me why not print out a copy of this and ask your preacher about this. It tells us in the bible that witchcraft comes from Hell. There are other horrible books out there, I chose this one in particular because its the most popular. I might tell about other horrible books if I had enough time. Hey I don’t have enough time to post more here but if you have any :confused: questions :confused: Email me at Webmaster@UltraTournaments.zzn.com .

    [ April 18, 2002, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: UltraWebmaster ]
  2. ChelleBell

    ChelleBell New Member

    Dec 4, 2001
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    I agree it is very evil. People don't realize how dangerous this is. Letting this demonic stuff enter their homes and corrupt their children. It's like letting the devil have freereign over their children. We are the adults, we are supposed to protect our children, build a hedge around them and keep them safe. Not just let them have everything they want. You need to research everything before letting your children watch, play with, or have toys. Keep Them Safe. [​IMG]
  3. Jamal5000

    Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    I do not agree that Harry Potter is an evil wizard. This is a make-believe story that is just that: fiction just like the Wizard of Oz and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella and Pinocchio. Please make sure not to get swept away by this Harry Potter paranoia in Christians.

    Romans 14:2-3

    One man's faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the main who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.

    Romans 14:22

    So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves.

    Happy New Year!
  4. FaithRemains

    FaithRemains New Member

    Dec 28, 2001
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    I have never read the Harry Potter books, nor have i seen the movie, however from everything i've heard it is not a truly new or original concept. Most of the things found in Harry Potter can also be found in other books, movies, or shows. So my question is: Why the outcry over Harry Potter?

    I am reminded of another book series about magic. The Chronicles of Narnia. These books are sold in Christian Bookstores, yet are they not also about Magic and contain magicians and witches? Prehaps I have missed the religious significance of these books, but how is Harry Potter any worse and how are the Narnia books any better?
  5. Joy 11

    Joy 11 New Member

    Jan 1, 2002
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    Fiction such as : Cinderella, Pinochio, and so on DO NOT contain the same evil witchcraft, magic, and sorcery! Why should they put that junk in kid's minds???? I agree with ultrawebmaster! [​IMG]

    [ January 01, 2002: Message edited by: Joy 11 ]
  6. Jamal5000

    Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joy 11:
    Fiction such as : Cinderella, Pinochio, and so on DO NOT contain the same evil witchcraft, magic, and sorcery<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Is that not a matter of subjective judgement?

    Some people might view the fairies from these stories, who grant the wishes of any whim, as symbols of instant materialistic gratification.

    On the other hand, some youth may view Harry Potter as beacon of moral light in a dark world.

    God Bless You, Always [​IMG]
  7. Joy 11

    Joy 11 New Member

    Jan 1, 2002
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    I see your point, Jamal5000, but I still think that their is a difference in those fairy tales and this new stuff! I still think that it is evil, but I guess that it depends on how you look at it! :D
  8. Jamal5000

    Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    Joy, I Appreciate your respone. I most definitely see what you are saying. I've talked with some folks around my community about this. The older people dislike the Potter stuff while the young-adults think its a non-issue.

    One thing is for certain about stuff in the world: everything is not good for you. I tell people that bring up this subject around my town that they must sharpen their discern abilities and other cognitive skills through God and learn as much about the world as possible, yet stay as safe as you can from harm's way.

    Do you think that CS Lewis' Chronicles of Naria fall into the same category as Harry Potter?

    God Be With You, Saint
    Jamal5000 [​IMG]
  9. Janis

    Janis New Member

    Dec 28, 2001
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    When Harry Potter came out, I did some research on the web. My final decision, it is not something I want my son to read. We let his 4th grade teacher know that he is not to read it..Do you know what she said?She didn't read it either. She said there were too many good books available to bother with it. Wonder why it is so popular? Possibly something to do with rebellion against doing what we know is right.
  10. Sid

    Sid New Member

    Nov 29, 2001
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    I have noticed since the attack on the twin towers at New York people are doing more soul searching and I personally feel that harry Potter is being pushed into the public more so the devil can do his work without people thinking there is anything wrong with this evil and witchery movie. I think we should pray about these issues and let God help us to discern between what is evil and what is good. I would not let my children read any of his books or watch any of the movies.
  11. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Here is a link to another discussion of Harry Potter.

    To answer one question, about The Chronicles of Narnia. If you read all the writings of C.S. Lewis, he is a devout christian, and the Chronicles are a clear allegory of Christianity.

    The Harry Potter series in contrast to Snow white, the Wizard of Oz, etc, is based on and placed in the real world. The Witchraft and wizardry that is taught at Hogwarts is freigteningly similar to modern occultism and wicca. Harrry Potter / Lord of the Rings

    I have an outline for a lesson from our Wednesday children's program about witchcraft and Harry Potter, and what the Bible has to say. Do not be fooled. Harry Potter is not just another harmless fairy tale. It is much more real and dangerous, even if you take out all the witchcraft.
  12. Odette

    Odette New Member

    Dec 26, 2001
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    I thought the witchcraft was the issue. What's wrong with it, if you take out the witchcraft?

  13. susanpet

    susanpet New Member

    Dec 26, 2001
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    I haven't read the Harry Potter books or seen the movie. But if it is about witchcraft , I would say, watchout! Before I got saved I would use a Ouiga board. It was fun at first, but it got out of control. That's all I wanted to do. I read somewhere it was made by a warlock. That just made it more interesting to me. I would have nightmares you wouldn't believe! They were pure evil. But Praise God, Jesus showed me where I was going and I would even have visions about Hell. Never, ever let your children use one. So maybe Harry Potter could actually influence people in an evil way, I don't know. It's just if you get curious about witchcraft, you may get more than you bargained for!

    ;) Susan
  14. Joy 11

    Joy 11 New Member

    Jan 1, 2002
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    Superdave: I was wondering if you could post that outline that you talked about in your last post! Thanx [​IMG]

    Jamal5000: I do not know much of anything about the Chronicles of Narnia! I asked my mom about it and she said that she thought that they were written from a Christian viewpoint! I'm sorry that I can't answer your question! Also, you said in your email that young people in your town usually don't oppose Harry Potter! well, I wanted to let you know that I am a young person but I do see you point! :D
  15. CTTYaz

    CTTYaz New Member

    Dec 13, 2001
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    [ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: UltraWebmaster ]
  16. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    The outline is LOOOOOONNGG, send me an email and I can send it to you.

    Read the thread that I clumsily posted earlier, We talk about much of the other stuff as well.

    Violence, language, crudity, unclear moral lessons, disobedience without consequence, and some other stuff.

    Some of it would be OK in adult fiction, cause it just needs to be understood, it may not be inherently wrong, but in kids books I have a problem with some of it.
  17. TheVeryBapistChild

    TheVeryBapistChild New Member

    Jan 9, 2002
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    [ January 10, 2002: Message edited by: TheVeryBapistChild ]
  18. TheVeryBapistChild

    TheVeryBapistChild New Member

    Jan 9, 2002
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    I have a couple of points to make:

    1. C.S. Lewis personifies the land of Narnia as a person and the characters of his stories as good and evil. Now, the evil which he write about is seen as hatred, greed, etc.; (this of sin.) But the good characters' conflict is not Man vs. Man; but Man vs. Himself. As in an internal stride to conquer the evils which are in him.

    2. The books of Harry Potter allow witchcraft to be ok. In the Bible, any witchcraft practiced is evil.

    3. Wishes are not the same as magic. Wishes allow thoughts of a better state of being to be expressed (In stories authors use wishes to enhance the mood of a reader). Magic, on the other hand, allows you to take emotions, such as anger or love, and cast spells onto other people. Magic can lead to thoughts of godliness. Such as "That kid made me trip and fall so I am going to break his arm with the simple words of &lt;i&gt;Arm-a-Breakus&lt;/i&gt;"

    4. Before J.R.R. Tolkein died he visited C.S. Lewis and Tolkein was saved. This does not mean Tolkein could take every Lord of the Rings book and change the content into something that would glorify God.

    5. When Harry P. came out in movie theaters, The Today Show showed a clip of a family recommiting their lives to Harry Potter and Rowlings. Therefore I infered that Harry Potter has such an enfluence over people that the book itself is constructed by evil.

    6. I fear when there are periods between H.P. books and movies, children will seek a stronger "high" of magic, such as Vampires, Voodoo, Satanism, "real" Witchcraft, suicides, murder, genocide.

    I wish these children would turn their attention to the Good Book. I wish these children would recommit their lives to Jesus Christ. But my wishes are not easily met. So, I call out that every person who is strong in his/her faith to stand up for which they believe and not allow others to be consumed by the temptation of witchcraft. With that said, you should not defend readers/believers nor see them as enemies, but warn them as brothers/sisters.*

    *2 Thessalonians 3:15
  19. CTTYaz

    CTTYaz New Member

    Dec 13, 2001
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    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TheVeryBapistChild:
    I have a couple of points to make:

    1. C.S. Lewis personifies the land of Narnia as a person and the characters of his stories as good and evil. Now, the evil which he write about is seen as hatred, greed, etc.; (this of sin.) But the good characters' conflict is not Man vs. Man; but Man vs. Himself. As in an internal stride to conquer the evils which are in him.

    2. The books of Harry Potter allow witchcraft to be ok. In the Bible, any witchcraft practiced is evil.

    3. Wishes are not the same as magic. Wishes allow thoughts of a better state of being to be expressed (In stories authors use wishes to enhance the mood of a reader). Magic, on the other hand, allows you to take emotions, such as anger or love, and cast spells onto other people. Magic can lead to thoughts of godliness. Such as "That kid made me trip and fall so I am going to break his arm with the simple words of &lt;i&gt;Arm-a-Breakus&lt;/i&gt;"

    4. Before J.R.R. Tolkein died he visited C.S. Lewis and Tolkein was saved. This does not mean Tolkein could take every Lord of the Rings book and change the content into something that would glorify God.

    5. When Harry P. came out in movie theaters, The Today Show showed a clip of a family recommiting their lives to Harry Potter and Rowlings. Therefore I infered that Harry Potter has such an enfluence over people that the book itself is constructed by evil.

    6. I fear when there are periods between H.P. books and movies, children will seek a stronger "high" of magic, such as Vampires, Voodoo, Satanism, "real" Witchcraft, suicides, murder, genocide.

    I wish these children would turn their attention to the Good Book. I wish these children would recommit their lives to Jesus Christ. But my wishes are not easily met. So, I call out that every person who is strong in his/her faith to stand up for which they believe and not allow others to be consumed by the temptation of witchcraft. With that said, you should not defend readers/believers nor see them as enemies, but warn them as brothers/sisters.*

    *2 Thessalonians 3:15

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Very well put, I agree totally.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>(UltraWebmaster)
  20. TheVeryBapistChild

    TheVeryBapistChild New Member

    Jan 9, 2002
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    This is how you create a good argument:

    1) 3 or more good points with persuasive elaboration.

    2) Have strong enough case for defense.

    (Simple, huh?)
