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Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Jailminister, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Prophetic Call to Keep the Commandments

    America is in grave spiritual danger. As a nation, we have turned from God, rejected His authority and sought our own way. The results have been horrific. Our streets are stained with the blood of over 45,000,000 children through abortion. We have seen a breakdown of the family and recent Supreme Court decisions are laying the groundwork to "re-define" what marriage and family mean.

    Our nation leads the western world in the number of murders, rapes, teen suicides and drug addicts. We export almost 90% of all the world's pornography. And, we are experiencing an alarming loss of religious free speech in the public square. America is no longer allowed to have public prayer in our schools, and the Supreme Court has recently ruled that it is unconstitutional for students to pray over public address systems at school functions.

    The posting of the 10 Commandments in public places has been declared "illegal" and courts have demanded their immediate removal. Recently, Judge Roy Moore, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, was ordered to remove the 10 Commandments from his court building by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Thank God, Judge Moore has shown great courage and has refused to remove the Commandments by fighting tenaciously in court. Also, there is a "federal stay" in place preventing their removal. However, that "stay" is expected to be lifted shortly because of the federal appeals decision.

    In light of these facts, the Christian Defense Coalition and other national leaders and ministries feel that God is prophetically calling the Church in America to honor God, obey his Word, resist tyranny and stand with Judge Moore. We are, therefore, issuing a national call for Christians to come to Montgomery, Alabama and peacefully commit their lives to "Biblical obedience and resistance."

    What will this look like, and is it Biblical?

    It appears that we will have at least 48 to 72 hours notice before the 10 Commandments are ordered to be removed. Since the 10 Commandments are engraved in a granite stone weighing hundreds of pounds, it will take a large fork lift to remove them from the court. Before this can occur, we are calling for hundreds of Christians to "lay their lives down" and kneel in prayer around the Commandments and the courthouse.
    We may have to face arrest for this action.

    By obeying God is this peaceful fashion, we will initially prevent the removal of the 10 Commandments. And if the Holy Spirit leads thousands to Montgomery, we may prevent their removal altogether. We also pray this Christ-centered response will break the heart of the Church and Christians will cry out to God for repentance and healing. Our hope is that these actions in Alabama will provoke the same response, in the Church, that Israel had when Ezra publicly read the Law to them. (Nehemiah 8-9.)

    The reality is, America is facing this grave spiritual crisis because of the apathy, selfishness, rebellion and disobedience of the Church. We are to blame. It is not the fault of the media, Hollywood, or political leaders. Christians have not been "salt" and "light" to our culture. We have rejected God's authority in our lives and not embraced the cross of Jesus. We have not loved our neighbor. Churches removed the 10 Commandments from their sanctuaries and hearts long before courts demanded their removal from public places. God, let us repent and turn to You!

    We believe that God is drawing a line in the sand and the Church must make a stand in Montgomery. The Church has been silent and cowardly. We have valued the applause of man more than the applause of God. Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs, asked this question years ago and it is still relevant today: "When they took prayer out of public schools, why did the Church listen?"

    The same question applies to the removing of the 10 Commandments in Alabama. Only this time the Church must respond with the same answer that the Apostles gave in Acts 5:29 "...We must obey God rather than men!" We must only listen to the clear voice of our Master, not the shrill voice of man.

    As we pray about what God is calling us to do we must also answer the question, are these activities biblical? It is clear from the Scriptures that Christians have been called to obey and submit to civil authority. (Romans 13:1) Yet, are there any exemptions to these biblical principles? It appears that there are three.

    In Exodus, chapters 1 and 2, the Hebrew midwives were ordered by civil authorities to kill all newborn male children. The refused to do so. In Exodus 1:17, it says, "The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live." The first exemption is a believer can violate civil authority in order to save a life.

    Daniel chapter 3 records how the Hebrew children were ordered to worship a golden image of King Nebuchadnezzar. In other words, they were ordered by civil authority to do evil. In verse 18, they refuse to obey civil authority and declare, "...we will not serve your gods, or worship the image of gold you have set up." Scripture allows us to violate civil authority when we are commanded to do evil.

    The final exemption is in Daniel 6 and Acts chapter 5. In Daniel 6, a law was put into place forbidding prayer except it be offered in the name of Kind Darius. Daniel was not allowed to pray to his God. He "defied" civil rule and in verse 10 he prayed to the true and living God 3 times a day. We are then allowed to violate civil laws when we are forbidden to do good.

    This also applies to Peter and the apostles when they are forbidden to teach and preach in the name of Christ. They utterly reject the authority of the day and declare, "We must obey God rather than men!" So, we too are standing "against" unjust civil laws and honoring and obeying God by supporting the display of the 10 Commandments in the public square. If that means risking arrest and jail, it is a small price to pay to follow the calling of Christ.

    Once again, we feel God is calling us to make this stand with respect to the 10 Commandments in response to His divine call and prophetic leading. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining with us. We believe God will use this as a small "spark" to ignite a greater spiritual awakening across our nation. Listed below you will find a form which gives us your e-mail address and phone number. In this way, we can keep you updated on the current situation, and it allows you to make a commitment to come to Alabama on 48 to 72 hours notice. Please fill this out if you feel directed to come to Alabama.

    Finally, it seems providential that this action is taking place in Montgomery, Alabama. This court sits only a few blocks from the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. That was the first pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. It was also the site of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which began the modern civil rights movement. The actions of that small group of committed Christians changed the course of American history forever. Could it be almost 50 years later, the Holy Spirit is looking to do the same thing through the 10 Commandments?

    Please email your:




    to the address below:

    E-mail to: savethe10@aol.com

    Phone: 202.547.1735

    Thank you so much for your participation!!!

    I am posting this in a call for help from concerned Christians. Please come or if you can't, PRAY.
  2. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I just want to know what Scriptural command would be broken by Moore taking down the 10 commandments.
  3. Joshua Rhodes

    Joshua Rhodes <img src=/jrhodes.jpg>

    Jun 9, 2003
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    "Thou shalt carve into granite the laws that were given and place them in front of your courthouses, thus ensuring everyone who enters does so in a godly fashion." (Loose paraphrase)

    I believe that's found in 2 Traditions, Chapter 4. Or maybe it's Isaidso, Chapter 3. I always get those two mixed up. [​IMG]
  4. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I haven't kept up with this very much, even though I live in Alabama.
    I commend Judge Moore for his faith, but I wonder why he even put that stone there to begin with.
  5. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I've often wondered why the Ten Commandments as Moore has them do not fall under the "graven images." Where is Jesus Christ in all of this?
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Joshua Rhodes! You really are messed up! That's in Mesmeriah 4:12!

    The only thought I have, in seriousness, is that if Judge Moore honestly feels God has spoken to him then he would be sinning if he allowed them to be taken down without a fight.

  7. Joshua Rhodes

    Joshua Rhodes <img src=/jrhodes.jpg>

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Or in 1 Hesitations. I always forget. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    anti-amen with the lead-in statement.
    I don't have time to write a refutation
    of all that lean-in. Nor do i have a ghost
    writer to write some pretty stuff
    that doesn't have to be biblically correct.

    The Baptist tradition is "Seperation
    of Church and State". Flaunting the
    union of Church and State is NOT a
    Baptist value.

    IMHO Judge Morre stands to make mega$$
    on the lecture circuit for dozens of
    years; i beleive this is his deepest
    motive. I sense much deception in this
    matter. I sense that this movement is
    of men NOT OF GOD.

    BTW, that verse is found in the
    book of BLIND GUIDE at
    BLIND GUIDE 4:18 [​IMG]
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Has anyone done a study to see how many Court Houses (including the Supreme Court) across the USA have The Ten Commandments cut into their stone walls?

    They are legion! Do we sandblast all of them? Or just let well enough alone and stop majoring on the minors? :confused:
  10. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 20, 2002
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    I volunteer to go to Alabama and remove that illegal monument! [​IMG]
  11. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Doesn't matter. It's like a person saying, "Oh, it doesn't matter that I'm committing adultery. Look at all the other people in America who are doing the same thing."
  12. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Here's a question for those keen on the idea of the stone monument. What if a local Satanic group also wanted to place their "Ten Commandments" next to the one already there. Same size and everything. One of the passages, for those who don't know, reads, "Behold the crucifix! What does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree."

    If you assert Moore's legal right for the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments, then would you allow the Satanic version?

    What about a Hindi, Buddhist, or Branch Davidian monument? Would they be allowed as well?
  13. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Ed Edwards IMHO Judge Morre stands to make mega$$ on the lecture circuit for dozens of
    years; i beleive this is his deepest
    motive. I sense much deception in this
    matter. I sense that this movement is
    of men NOT OF GOD.

    Ed, You are either totally ignorant, or enjoy lying. How dare you attack someone that is standing up for the very foundations of the moral law given us by God and instilled in our country. You and guys like scott E and Baptist believer are decievers and are decieved. You are part of the apostacy. It will be guys like you that will throw people like me in jail. Repent while you can.
  14. Joshua Rhodes

    Joshua Rhodes <img src=/jrhodes.jpg>

    Jun 9, 2003
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    So Ed, do you ENJOY lying, or is it more of a hidden talent? [​IMG] Scott and Baptist Believer, please turn from your wicked ways and apologize for your deceiving ways. The rest of us are tired of being deceived by you. You hear me? TIRED! [​IMG] :rolleyes:
  15. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
  16. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Picture from rally [​IMG]

    I'm in the black shirt with the blue JESUS IS LORD hat
  17. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 20, 2002
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    It looks like the guy to your right is at the wrong rally!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  18. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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  19. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Joshua Rhodes: "So Ed, do you ENJOY
    lying, or is it more of a hidden talent?"

    MOre of a hidden talent [​IMG]
    I really don't enjoy lying.
    I have a hard time understanding though
    that when I said "IMHO", "believe",
    MY OPINION that it could be construed
    as a lie. Opinions aren't measured
    by the TRUTH/LIE measurement, sorry, they
    just aren't.
  20. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Exactly Scott! If we can do these things...so can any idol worshipping, other false religion, cult do so.

    The Ten Commandments were for the people of Israel. They pointed out the fact man is a sinner. If you are lost...and do not believe, then you are not going to believe you are a sinner!

    The New Testiment gives new commandments!

    And you are right Ed! He will make money off this, and he will have people like the Jailminister to help him make it easy, for him to do so.
