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Protestant: 'Futurists deny the united truthful Holy Ghost testimony of the saints and martyrs of centuries past as to the identity of Antichrist.'
DHK: “That is the heretical teaching of allegory introduced by the heretic Origen.”
Allegory: “Allegory is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events. It can be employed in prose and poetry to tell a story with a purpose of teaching an idea and a principle or explaining an idea or a principle. The objective of its use is to preach some kind of a moral lesson.”
Examples of Allegory: Animal Farm; Pilgrim’s Progress; Faerie Queen.
The above examples of allegory describe fictional narratives which contain underlying significant political, religious and/or moral themes which are obvious to those with sufficient intelligence/spiritual maturity.
Non-fiction: “Non-fiction is a story based on real facts and information. Non-fiction is a narrative, account, or other communicative work whose assertions and descriptions are believed by the author to be factual.”
History: “The branch of knowledge dealing with past events.”
When speaking of past events concerning factual, non-fiction Church history, Christian martyrdom, as well as the united testimony of the Saints, for DHK to cry ‘allegory’ is not only a logical fallacy on his part, it also reveals a desperate attempt to introduce an ad hominem attack accusing me of Origen-like heresy.
As Christians we should understand that all history is the outworking of God’s Providence which, in turn, is the outworking of God’s eternal decrees concerning the predestined destinies of all peoples, tribes and nations which, in turn, is the outworking of God’s perfect and holy will.
We are taught that the OT history of Israel has been written for our benefit and warning: Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
In like manner, NT Church history has equal value and meaning.
Without sufficient knowledge of our Christian past – invaluable information which has been preserved for any serious Christian to discover - the book of Revelation becomes a confusing and unintelligible jumble of symbols which, to the average reader, defies interpretation.
However, when one investigates past events and people, a pattern emerges which begins to correlate with the symbolism and events portrayed in the Revelation.
Futurists deny the relevance of Church history, positing the bulk of the Revelation in the by-and-by future, thereby negating any positive identification of its major character: The scarlet Beast, aka: the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, the Antichrist.
Thus, when the Pope is brought to their attention as the only man in history who has fulfilled all the prophecies, Futurists dismiss the facts as irrelevant.
Their un-provable, un-testable and irrational theories and hypotheses are more beloved than prophetic, provable truth.
Therefore, I will present evidence which has scriptural authority....which Futurists cannot gainsay.
Evidence which the reader may not have considered.