I came across this article in our paper last week, and after reading, it was, well, "News" to me! And after reading the links below, it may be "News!" to you too?
This seems to be being attributed to a loop hole in the ACA (Obamacare), which shouldn't surprise any of us. What is really disturbing abut this loop hole is that estates are in the crosshairs,
So what say you? And could this hidden loop hole be something that would eventually steal the estate you leave to your kids and loved ones?
This seems to be being attributed to a loop hole in the ACA (Obamacare), which shouldn't surprise any of us. What is really disturbing abut this loop hole is that estates are in the crosshairs,
So what say you? And could this hidden loop hole be something that would eventually steal the estate you leave to your kids and loved ones?