There seems to be a number of people in our society that when they hear the word Hispanic or Latino they automatically think illegal. I suppose the media is partly responsible for this. However the vast majority of Hispanics and/or Latinos are legal and comprise the 3rd largest minority group of voters in our country. Not only that, but they are a growing minority group of legal voters. It would seem that a political party would be forward looking enough not to pursue policies that drive them into the arms of the other party. That does not seem to be the case at this time in our history.
So, let's look at some figures:
Number of illegal undocumented people in the USA:
The Wall Street Journal, known as being politically conservative, reports:
Note that is all groups not just Hispanics/Latino.
So, let's look at some figures:
As of 2013, there are an estimated 54 million Hispanic people in the United States. That is just over 17% of the total U.S. population and a 2.1% increase over the previous year.
By 2060, the Census Bureau projects that there will be almost 128.8 million Hispanic people in the United States and that they will comprise 31% of the total population.
Two-thirds of the Hispanic people in the United States are of Mexican background, according to 2013 Census estimates.
California is the state with the largest Hispanic population by 2013 Census estimates -- 14.7 million. But New Mexico has the highest Hispanic percentage of the state population -- 47.3 percent.
These are the states where more than 30% of the population is Hispanic, based on 2013 Census estimates: Arizona, 30.3%; California, 38.4%; New Mexico, 47.3%; and Texas, 38.4.
Number of illegal undocumented people in the USA:
The illegal immigrant population of the United States in 2008 was estimated by the Center for Immigration Studies to be about 12 million people, down from 12.5 million people in 2007.
The Wall Street Journal, known as being politically conservative, reports:
The population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has stabilized at 11.2 million since the Great Recession, according to a new report, with their numbers declining in 14 states and rising in seven states from 2009 to 2012.
The independent Pew Research Center, which analyzed census data, concluded that the leveling off of the undocumented population nationally is a direct result of the shrinking of the undocumented Mexican population in the U.S. That trend was offset by a recent increase in illegal arrivals from Central America.
“The Mexican numbers have been going down significantly even as the national number of unauthorized immigrants remained constant,” said Jeff Passel, the center’s senior demographer. That resulted from both an increase in departures to Mexico and a decrease in arrivals from that country.
Note that is all groups not just Hispanics/Latino.