As Sylvester would say, "DITHPICABLE!!".
If we could get a few Ds to follow the path of a FEW(!!) Rs, maybe we could get this country turned around; assuming that it's not too late already!
…It takes hard work to come up with an earmark more egregious than that infamous Alaskan bridge, but California's Dianne Feinstein is an industrious gal. Her latest pork -- let's call it Rambo's View -- deserves to be the poster child for everything wrong with today's greedy earmark process. The senator's $4 billion handout (yes, you read that right) to wealthy West L.A. (yes, you read that right, too) is the ultimate example of how powerful members use earmarks to put their own parochial interests above national ones -- in this case the needs of veterans...
The pork here revolves around the West Los Angeles Medical Center... 387 sprawling, prime real-estate acres in the middle of tony West L.A. More than twice the size of the National Mall, it is surrounded by the mansions and playgrounds of the city's elite, including the Bel Air Country Club and the Beverly Hills estates of Sylvester Stallone, Barry Bonds and Tim McGraw (to name a few). Huge portions of the facility are also a veritable ghost town... According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Los Angeles County also falls on the lowest end in terms of the percentage of veterans living in the area...
As Sylvester would say, "DITHPICABLE!!".
If we could get a few Ds to follow the path of a FEW(!!) Rs, maybe we could get this country turned around; assuming that it's not too late already!