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The report also concluded that Navigators are unprepared to handle situations in which consumers mention unreported income because the Obama administration did not even anticipate such situations. When asked whether Navigators knew how to deal with Americans who may be engaging in tax fraud or intending to under-report income, Gary Cohen, the director of the agency overseeing the Navigators, said last week that this could be one of the areas where it is a little beyond the ability of the average Navigator.Obamacare Navigators have been giving Americans misinformation and, in some cases, actively encouraging enrollees to commit fraud in order to raise their subsidies. To complicate matters further, there is no way for Americans to find out whether their Navigators are properly certified.
- Navigators from the Urban League of Dallas were captured on video encouraging applicants to lie on their health insurance application so the applicants could qualify for tax subsidies. Navigators were also recorded advising an applicant to lie about her smoking habits to obtain a lower monthly premium. It was later discovered that two of the so-called Navigators involved in the incident were assisting consumers with their applications even though they had not completed their training and certification requirements.
- One self-identified Navigator gave a television interview in which she told viewers blatantly incorrect information—that applicants’ credit scores could impact their eligibility for certain plans. It later came to light that the woman was not a certified Navigator but rather a volunteer with a Navigator organization.
- Mountain Project, Inc., a Navigator organization in North Carolina, has been collecting and mailing paper applications on behalf of applicants, in violation of Navigator rules and procedures.
The obvious question then, to me, is "Why are we letting people unprepared to do the job -- do the job?"