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How can I list Homeschool links from my favorites?



I have about 140 really good links to home school pages, worksheets, helps, kids, crafts, information, etc. and would like to share at least some of them on the home school forum. I DON'T want to have to open each one, copy each link and paste.

Does anyone know how I could copy the folders in my favorites and put it there?


Clint Kritzer

Active Member
Site Supporter
Diane -

Which browser are you using?

I am using IE 6 and this procedure works:

Open your favotites list by clicking the icon for "Favorites"

Right click the desired link and go to "Properties"

The URL will be there and already highlighted. Right click and "copy".

On AOL this seems to work:

Open "Favorite Places" by clicking the heart icon.

Right click the desired link and go to "edit."

The URL will show in a window that pops up under the words "Enter the Internet Address:".

Hope this helps.


LOL, I'm lazy Clint! I wanted to do all 140 in one click! :D



Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Hey, Diane--I don't know of any "one click" way to do it.

But I did find a way to do it without highlighting and pasting.

Download EditPad Lite (www.editpadlite.com) and install it (if you don't already have it).

Next, find and open your Favorites folder in your Windows directory. Pick one of the files you want to copy the URL, and right-click on it; then choose "send to" and choose EditPad.

Once it's open in EditPad, go to your EditPad menus at the top and select "Block", then choose "Insert File". It should let you select from the same folder you opened the original file from.

You'll have to do a little cleaning up; i.e., when you insert files like that, it comes up with a strange-looking format. Just highlight and hit the delete key for anything other than the URL you want in the file.

When you're done adding and cleaning up, you should have one file that'll be easy to highlight all the entries and paste into one of the Baptist Board message windows.

Not the "one click" method, and not necessarily the best answer; I'll keep looking.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Okay, Diane, here's as close to a "one click" solution as I can get right now.

First, if you haven't already done so, organize your homeschooling links into one Favorites folder (at the risk of insulting your intelligence, I'm not going to assume anything, so open Internet Explorer and click on Favorites and then Organize Favorites. Drag and drop until you've got them all in one location).

With Internet Explorer still open (assuming you're using IE) and click on File, then on Import and Export. The Import/Export Wizard should pop up; click on Next.

In the next window, click on Export Favorites and then click on Next.

In the next window, select the Favorites folder where you saved your homeschooling links and then click on Next.

Now it gets a tad tricky: You should see "Export to file or address" with the following default: C:\My Documents\bookmark.htm Change ".htm" to ".txt" (without the quotation marks) and click on Next.

At this point, the next window should have a button for "Finish"; click on that, and then you should get a "Success" pop-up window. Go to your "My Documents" folder, and look for your "bookmark.txt" file; when you open it up, it'll initially look pretty ugly. Here's an example:
<DT><A HREF="http://www.baptistboard.com/" ADD_DATE="1062136737" LAST_VISIT="1062133200" LAST_MODIFIED="1062136780">BaptistBoard.com</A>

You'll need to clean that up as you see fit. I tried to save it as a ".htm" file and then open it up with Notepad or a text editor; you still get the "last visit", "add date," and "last modified" garbage.

Still not the "one click" answer you were hoping for, but much easier than the other option I was about to give you....


Well-Known Member
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The last option I can think of (I'm sure someone's got a better method out there somewhere) is kind of weird, but you may decide you want to give it a try:

Open your Favorites folder (usually under the Windows folder) and right-click on one of your homeschool links; select "Send To" and choose "Mail Recipient".

You'll have to do that for each one of your links you want to share.

It'll usually open in an Outlook or Outlook Express (depending on which you have loaded on your computer) mail message window with a plain text link; but if you try to add more links, or do more than one at a time, you only get one text link. Every additional one comes up as a "shortcut" instead of a text link.

So if you "send" them one at a time to their very own mail message window, all you have to do afterwards is highlight and drag (or copy and paste) them to one mail message window. When you've got all your text links in one mail message, you can highlight the whole lot and copy them to a Notepad or other text editor file, and then you're ready to copy and paste to the Baptist Board.

Just can't seem to find a really easy way of doing this....