David Koberstein
The alphabet in Hebrew is called Aleph-Bet. It derives its name from the first two
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. When put together, the first letter aleph, and the
second letter, bet, spell the Hebrew word for father (Ab, as in Abba, "God the Father").
This communicates that the Hebrew alphabet derives from God the Father.
If added together, the letters in the name Aleph-Bet have the same value as
"aleph and tav" the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Both phrases have
a numeric value of 523, which underscores the intentional alphanumeric structure
of Hebrew. But that's not all! Aleph and tav are the Hebrew equivalent of
"the Alpha and Omega" (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet), an
expression Jesus used to describe Himself in Revelation 22:13
"I am the Alpha [Aleph in Hebrew] and the Omega [Tav in Hebrew], the First and
the Last, the Beginning and the End.
What's more, since each letter in the Hebrew (or Greek) alphabet corresponds to
a number, it is easy to determine the given value of any word from the Bible and
use it to better understand the Scriptures. For example,
The Hebrew word for "leper" (metzora) has a numerical value of 400 when the individual
letters are added together. The number 400 is assigned to the Hebrew letter (tav). This
connection is significant because the ancient version of the letter tav was the shape of
a cross. The cross (400) is the reason they scorned Messiah and treated Him like a leper (metzora)
In Greek, the word for "grain" (kokkos) has a numeric value of 400. Jesus said, "Amen, amen I
tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies,
it produces much fruit" (John 12:24). Katzir, the Hebrew word for "harvest" also adds up to 400.
Jesus died like a "grain" (kokkos, 400) on the "cross" (tav, 400), ultimately fulfilling His role
as the "messianic leper" (metzora, 400) and bringing about a great spiritual "harvest" (katzir, 400)!
The number 400 is also associated with God's pouring out of judgement (Ps. 69:25). Jesus became
a "leper" (metzora, 400) and died like a piece of "grain" (kokkos, 400) on a "cross" (tav, 400) so that
God would not "pour out" (shofek, 400) His judgement on us. Instead, we can personally experience
that "the Lord is gracious and full of compassion" (Ps. 145:8), which also equals 400 in Hebrew.
What greater demonstration of grace, compassion, and love could there be?
Blessings in our Messiah ברכות במשיח שלנו
Shalom שלום
הרב ג'ייסון סובל
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. When put together, the first letter aleph, and the
second letter, bet, spell the Hebrew word for father (Ab, as in Abba, "God the Father").
This communicates that the Hebrew alphabet derives from God the Father.
If added together, the letters in the name Aleph-Bet have the same value as
"aleph and tav" the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Both phrases have
a numeric value of 523, which underscores the intentional alphanumeric structure
of Hebrew. But that's not all! Aleph and tav are the Hebrew equivalent of
"the Alpha and Omega" (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet), an
expression Jesus used to describe Himself in Revelation 22:13
"I am the Alpha [Aleph in Hebrew] and the Omega [Tav in Hebrew], the First and
the Last, the Beginning and the End.
What's more, since each letter in the Hebrew (or Greek) alphabet corresponds to
a number, it is easy to determine the given value of any word from the Bible and
use it to better understand the Scriptures. For example,
The Hebrew word for "leper" (metzora) has a numerical value of 400 when the individual
letters are added together. The number 400 is assigned to the Hebrew letter (tav). This
connection is significant because the ancient version of the letter tav was the shape of
a cross. The cross (400) is the reason they scorned Messiah and treated Him like a leper (metzora)
In Greek, the word for "grain" (kokkos) has a numeric value of 400. Jesus said, "Amen, amen I
tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies,
it produces much fruit" (John 12:24). Katzir, the Hebrew word for "harvest" also adds up to 400.
Jesus died like a "grain" (kokkos, 400) on the "cross" (tav, 400), ultimately fulfilling His role
as the "messianic leper" (metzora, 400) and bringing about a great spiritual "harvest" (katzir, 400)!
The number 400 is also associated with God's pouring out of judgement (Ps. 69:25). Jesus became
a "leper" (metzora, 400) and died like a piece of "grain" (kokkos, 400) on a "cross" (tav, 400) so that
God would not "pour out" (shofek, 400) His judgement on us. Instead, we can personally experience
that "the Lord is gracious and full of compassion" (Ps. 145:8), which also equals 400 in Hebrew.
What greater demonstration of grace, compassion, and love could there be?
Blessings in our Messiah ברכות במשיח שלנו
Shalom שלום
הרב ג'ייסון סובל