Do you lecture, or do discussion? One of the STRONG advantages of my church is that SS is discussion based. In fact SS is a highlight of the church experience and what I like best. The people are friendly and all which is good. Although being more Reformed in my evangelism we do not exactly agree, the good thing is that we can all agree to disagree which shows maturity. Like today we had a chat on witnessing and I clearly made a case for confrontational evangelism and God being the author of Salvation and he cares more about obedience than about results, and I made a case against seeker and men pleasing evangelism methods that do not get one hated by the world, etc.. However some disagreed and said we needed to conform based on response, and that we needed to adapt our techniques, etc..
I have been in churches where SS was another sermon, and I have been in churches where I was interpreted as rude because I asked questions and wanted to dialogue. Such churches have been rare, but when I was in SC IFB Churches where everywhere and BJU represented dozens of Fundamentalist all over the globe so everyone is different.
I have been in churches where SS was another sermon, and I have been in churches where I was interpreted as rude because I asked questions and wanted to dialogue. Such churches have been rare, but when I was in SC IFB Churches where everywhere and BJU represented dozens of Fundamentalist all over the globe so everyone is different.