Above link site five top fake news sites. I am just wondering out l am just wondering outloud, but is this fake news scandal all that bad a thing? Or does it serve some moral good? Isn't the responsibilty of the person siting news links, to double check their tesources and validity? I find it hard to believe smart folks will be sucked into the pits of fake news, lock, stock and barrel.
Late last year, I bit on a fake news story regarding Colin Kapernick. The article stated he was permanently benched for his stand against the national anthem. I fell for the story because I was sis insensed with Kapernicks hateful sis of the flag and police, that I wantedto believe some form of action was taken agin him. Even though I consider myself smart, I made the mistake of not checking out the source, and instead posted the story here for y'all to read and eventually see I was terribly amiss.
Fake news can actually be a benefit to society, as it will force ALL of us to check and recheck our sources prior to printing something as being gospel.
That is my view on the subject ... but what is your? How will fake news help you in the writing and posting of articles to the board???
Above link site five top fake news sites. I am just wondering out l am just wondering outloud, but is this fake news scandal all that bad a thing? Or does it serve some moral good? Isn't the responsibilty of the person siting news links, to double check their tesources and validity? I find it hard to believe smart folks will be sucked into the pits of fake news, lock, stock and barrel.
Late last year, I bit on a fake news story regarding Colin Kapernick. The article stated he was permanently benched for his stand against the national anthem. I fell for the story because I was sis insensed with Kapernicks hateful sis of the flag and police, that I wantedto believe some form of action was taken agin him. Even though I consider myself smart, I made the mistake of not checking out the source, and instead posted the story here for y'all to read and eventually see I was terribly amiss.
Fake news can actually be a benefit to society, as it will force ALL of us to check and recheck our sources prior to printing something as being gospel.
That is my view on the subject ... but what is your? How will fake news help you in the writing and posting of articles to the board???