American Thinker nailed it.
The people who crossed over to vote Trump did so because of the economy. Once they feel good about their state of being, they revert to complacency. They forget how bad it sucked under the last dem, & mindlessly listen to the latest campaign ads.
Many of us oldsters will die even before 2020. We are the ones who grew up in the American dream that we fought for where kids went out to play, all day, & parents didn’t have to worry unless the kid was late for dinner. Our votes will be gone soon enough.
The youngsters who will go to the ballot box will have been educated in social justice ways by everything around them. The education system, the msm, hollywood, musicians all beat the drum to follow the way.
Just like it’s always been, they will think their parents are the most uncool people ever, so that won’t help.
I can remember being completely illiterate about what I was voting for. I was comfortably numb for many years following Viet Nam. That was when you treated yourself for PTSD or you busted up the place. No support or feel good ads on tv about your service in those days. I still always loved this country.
It will be the greatest loss to the world when we fall to socialism, but the world, having already relinquished itself to the powers that be, will cheer.
It’s the most heart wrenching thing to watch it happen. What can I do but pray, & thank the Lord for giving me this good life in this time, & I do.