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"How to" help needed


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
It’s time for this technophobe to learn how to really use the BaptistBoard. I’m ready for the next step in my BaptistBoard edjamacation.

How do I send someone to a web site or another thread without copying and pasting the web address? (Rather than sending them to www.http/somewhere/12345678, I could have them click on “Somewhere” and they wound be sent there).

Another "how to" question involves how I add those extra-fancy icons (that are not provided by the Board) to my text?



New Member
Here on the BB, you would choose the "Full Reply Form" then click the "URL" button. Type in the web address (for example, the Baptist Board would be http"//www.baptistboard.com), the click "OK"

After you click OK, you'll be prompted to enter the text you want people to see (for example Baptist Board). Click OK.

It should look like this when you post it:

Baptist Board



Rob, you'll need to go to full reply form. When that loads, there's the option of Instant UBB Code. Click on URL. A window will pop up. Remove the Http:// and paste in the address of the website you want to share. Click okay. Another window will appear. Remove the words Web site. Insert anything you'd like such as 'Rob wants YOU to click here'. Click okay.

Click here for website about other denominations and cults!

To insert an image, follow basically the same format but choose Image. Paste in the actual address of the image and click okay.


Whoops, I see Tom beat me to it. For the icons, you point at the picture you want to use. Right click. A box will appear. Click on properties. Another box appears. Midway down the box says address. Highlight the WHOLE address (sometimes you'll scroll some) and copy it. Do the Image box, paste and click okay. You can point at the cross above to practice.



New Member

What is the difference between UBB code and HTML? How come the BB uses one and not the other?


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
...And thanks again.

I think I have almost all of the buttons and gadgets down now.

Now can you help me with my DVD?



New Member
UBB has square brackets [] and HTML has pointy ones <>

UBB code is more restrictive and gives the administrators more control.

HTML code is rarely used in Bulletin Boards nowadays because it is easier for hackers to do great harm with HTML. Also the providers of BB software have almost all switched to UBB for that reason.