It’s time for this technophobe to learn how to really use the BaptistBoard. I’m ready for the next step in my BaptistBoard edjamacation.
How do I send someone to a web site or another thread without copying and pasting the web address? (Rather than sending them to www.http/somewhere/12345678, I could have them click on “Somewhere” and they wound be sent there).
Another "how to" question involves how I add those extra-fancy icons (that are not provided by the Board) to my text?
How do I send someone to a web site or another thread without copying and pasting the web address? (Rather than sending them to www.http/somewhere/12345678, I could have them click on “Somewhere” and they wound be sent there).
Another "how to" question involves how I add those extra-fancy icons (that are not provided by the Board) to my text?