In metaphor to the temple of God, and from William Seymour's devotions...
1. Justification - The first thing you need is faith, anybody with faith can enter in!
2. Salvation - Next you need a sacrifice, which is our faith and profession in Christ
3. Laver - A place of purity, and to get clean
4. Word- We partake of the Word of God at the Table of Shewbread
5. Light - Spiritual things - Faith, hope, charity, joy, etc - At the lampstand
6. Prayer - Prayer meetings at the altar of golden incense
7. The Holy Spirit - Falls in the Holy of Holies
As far as tongues William Seymour actually warned that, “Whenever the doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Ghost will only be known as the evidence of speaking in tongues, that work will be an open door for witches and spiritualist and free loveism. That work will suffer because all kinds of spirits can come in.”
In examining this doctrine I find it is the same thing I received in the Baptist church. Growing up our pastor use to take us to youth conferences in northern Michigan. They would last three or so days and were very intense in bible study. I would always leave those conferences clean and very refreshed.
When someone gets saved that is not everything! The next thing that needs to happen is that they need to spend time in the Word and quality Christian fellowship!
1. Justification - The first thing you need is faith, anybody with faith can enter in!
2. Salvation - Next you need a sacrifice, which is our faith and profession in Christ
3. Laver - A place of purity, and to get clean
4. Word- We partake of the Word of God at the Table of Shewbread
5. Light - Spiritual things - Faith, hope, charity, joy, etc - At the lampstand
6. Prayer - Prayer meetings at the altar of golden incense
7. The Holy Spirit - Falls in the Holy of Holies
As far as tongues William Seymour actually warned that, “Whenever the doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Ghost will only be known as the evidence of speaking in tongues, that work will be an open door for witches and spiritualist and free loveism. That work will suffer because all kinds of spirits can come in.”

In examining this doctrine I find it is the same thing I received in the Baptist church. Growing up our pastor use to take us to youth conferences in northern Michigan. They would last three or so days and were very intense in bible study. I would always leave those conferences clean and very refreshed.
When someone gets saved that is not everything! The next thing that needs to happen is that they need to spend time in the Word and quality Christian fellowship!