Well-Known Member
about the moral and economic decline of the United States then our focus would be an all out Great Commission resurgence to make more followers of Christ. The more people following Christ, the greater the impact of Christ in our local communities, then our states then the nation and then...
The answer to what ails us is not a political party. It's not another President. It's not a new Congress. It's not winning the argument against all things homosexual. It's not sending the illegal immigrants back. And it's not making abortion illegal.
The answer to saving a country is JESUS SAVING!!!:thumbsup:

The answer to what ails us is not a political party. It's not another President. It's not a new Congress. It's not winning the argument against all things homosexual. It's not sending the illegal immigrants back. And it's not making abortion illegal.
The answer to saving a country is JESUS SAVING!!!:thumbsup: