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I'm having trouble converting files..Please help!!!!


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Can anyone help me?

I copied quite a big portion of my cd collection to my hard drive using Real One player. Little did I know that the format it copied my music in was *RealSystem Media* files.....

I didnt know at the time that you could actually change the settings in Real One player to copy music in MP3 or Wav. Anyway my point is this-

I recently bought a Net Minidisc player and its very simple to copy mp3's from my hard drive to my minidisc player but most of my music is in the above mentioned format, which the minidisc software will not recognize.

As I only have the trial version of RealOne player, I can't convert the files to mp3. Does anyone know of any downloadable software that will convert my RealSystem Media files to MP3....help will be greatly appreciated as I've searched high and low and can't find any thus far.




New Member

Some of us consider anything from 'Real' spyware and dangerous...

What I do to make a compilation CD from CD's I actually own is to use the 'Soundstream' application that came with my copy of Roxio Easy CD Creator.

A lot of people don't even realize that the application exists and how powerful it can be.

An alternative is to use 'Ripping Software' that can be dowloaded from the internet. Just make sure your anti-virus software is up to date *before* going to a site you've never been to before.

The 'Real Player' application should have a way to convert a Real format file to a Wav or MP3, or a way to access your CD Burner to burn an audio CD.

*IF* RealPlayer doesn't have a facility to convert the file back to a useable format then that's just another reason to delete the program, all directories it's used, and then do a search and destroy in the Registry!

Because the uninstall... Doesn't.

Which I could help more.

Did a web search and came up with this... Too bad it costs money! ($29) {How much is your time worth?}
If you had JetAudio plus you could do this very easily using the conversion feature and just turning the real media files into mp3s. But you can also do it with the basic version of jetAudio.
From: http://www.jetaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=388


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Thanks for your reply..

I think I may just learn my lesson and copy cd's in mp3 format from now on...I'll probrably just use a RW cd and transfer from real player to whichever mp3 program I decide to use.

Thanks for your advice though.

Rich :cool:


New Member
Indeed, you do best to uninstall anything from Real because of spyware issues. To play Real files when you have no choice in the matter, you can search for and download Real Alternative.

The freeware (and spyware free!) CD'n'Go Suite will code CDs into a huge array of formats that are limited only by the codecs you can install (it comes with most major ones already). There is a small learning curve, but this program is all most will ever need.