Applying simple arithmetic to those statistics - half the cases come from 95% of the Irish and half from 5% of the Irish - would mean that the unvaxxed are 19 times more likely to come down with the disease. I'd guess the factor is less than 19, perhaps closer to 10, but still a big difference. And as posted above, the outcomes of those infected, vaxxed or unvaxxed, are probably more important than the number of cases.
Seems to me the simple math is that 50% of people in ICU’s are vaccinated and 50% are unvaccinated.
Again, what is missing is the % of people hospitalized that have recovered from covid.
It could be, based on the story, that 0% of folks recovered from covid are hospitalized and 50% of hospitalized have been vaccinated while the other 50% are unvaccinated and never before exposed to the virus.
Whst is also missing is the age of those hospitalized and any previous medical conditions they may have; whether vsccinsted or not.
The problem with the story is that it is propaganda designed to make the unvaxed look bad.
If they gave all the relevant information, people could make up their own minds.
peace to you