the Bible tells you what to expect.
Jesus said, "will I find faith on the earth (when I return)? meaning there will be little TRUE faith on the earth when He returns.
He said, "as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the end"... so there will be little TRUE faith on the earth as we near the end.
He said, "things will wax worse and worse..."
Its gonna get much worse as we near the end. if the nation becomes more catholicized that would fit His prophecy because catholicism is not true faith. people can become more 'religious' but less faithful to Christ.
and catholicism is mostly secular and very little sacred. it teaches to spend 1 hour a week in church and then go live your life how you want. that is secular.
the True faith teaches that ALL things are sacred. we are to sacrifice our lives as the reasonable sacrifice... my job is sacred, my marriage, my health, my hobbies, etc... i do ALL things for the glory of God.
false religions do not teach that (exception of islam, but their god is satan). all 'Christian' religions teach people to go to church (churchianity) and be a good church goer, but go live the rest of your life however you want.... the True Faith teaches the opposite. the True Faith teaches that every thing we do is for the glory of God. my life is a sacrifice for Christ. i died when He died.
Baptists are not protestants, although they should definitely protest the evils of all false religions. but protestants came out of the reformation, the baptists did not.
but yes either way, as we near the end, we will find less and less True Faith on the earth and in this country. this country is no different than any other. we are not a Christian nation, what a joke for anyone to say that. there will be more and more of the false religions, take your pick. the definition of a false religion is SO easy... if it doesnt line up with the Bible, its false religion...
the protestants range from being Biblical to being blatantly false, (lutherans). but there will be less Biblical protestants and more false protestant churches as we near the end. more ecumenical churches. more churches crying "unity". more 'world' and less 'Christ' in the churches, proving that men's god, is themselves.
whats a lot more important than 'americas protestant population' is... how many folks are in the True Faith? how many folks are in Christ? if this county is 100% protestant but 90% of them are hellbound... whats the point? we have to be in the True Faith, which is Christ. we must abide in Him. and obey Him. being protestant, catholic, baptist whatever means nothing, if that person is not in Christ. it doesnt matter if we think we know Him, He must know us... Him knowing us does not come from us being protestant or baptist... it comes from obedience to the Word of God. if we love Him, we will keep His Word...