White supremacists vote for Trump, not Biden. You have not yet established that BLM is supporting black supremacy. BLM supports marxism while Antifa supports anarchism. Neither are race issues as you are claiming.
You are disregarding the source material that I linked for you. Antifa takes their name from the German Communist Party of the 1930s. There is no doubt that they are communists. In the USA, they are the same people who held Occupy Wall Street. They are the children of rich white Democrats. They are noted for their use of drugs, their personal sexual perversion of all types, and their use of violence against the elderly and handicapped and helpless.
BLM is the work of black lesbians who said that they are well educated in Marxiism. Here in Indianapolis on the Fourth of July a white woman who said that all lives matter was shot dead while holding her infant child by BLM advocates. BLM has called for the destruction of the family and the promotion of lesbian, homosexual and transgender values.
So both groups are communist, both are aligned with the Democrats who are their donors, and BLM is clearly racists but the two groups combined are the new Democrat KKK who use riots and violence against the Republican Party and black Republicans who have left the Democrat party or were never members of the the Democrat Party. So once again we have the Democrat Party of slavery and KKK resorting to violence for political purposes.
They have taken over the Democrat Party completely with the nomination of African-American Harris, a former Attorney General of California, who opposes the use of DNA to clear people in criminal cases and who saw 120,000 blacks and Hispanics incarcerated while she was Attorney General. She certainly will be President soon because she has said that she believes that Biden is guilty of sexual crimes against women and she has called Biden a racist for his part in passing the crime bill and for opposing busing that she said enabled her to attend white schools in California before she moved to Canada where she spent most of her childhood. Her father comes from a family that owned slaves in Jamaica and that engaged in the slave trade.
So BLM and Antifa are Democrat para-military groups that replace the KKK. Antifa speaks for black people and BLM calls out black people who have switched to the GOP.