Of course, God knows all the possible outcomes of a scenario, but why should he need to know? He knows the one outcome that is going to happen--not only because of his foreknowledge, but also his determinate counsel (Acts 2:23).
I just don't see God sitting there (or here, or wherever) watching me, saying, "Let's see, he could decide one of 10 different choices. I've got to be ready to respond, whichever one he picks. I wonder which one he'll choose."
taking it more from the side that IF there are 10 possible ways one can choose to go, we will be allowed to choose the path , and God already knew which way we would go...
God has His plan and will in that pathway, already was "working" it out, but we still were allowed to choose that way to go...
Of course, He CAN "override" our choices, just see examples of Jonah and Paul, both "forced" to go opposite than they wanted to go...
Jonah to Ninevah, Paul to become Apostle of Christ...
That, of course, is Open Theism, which destroys not only God's omniscience, but his immutability.
Totally disagree with Open Theism, as THAT theology makes God "learning as he goes" and that renders God to be able to make mistakes, not cause all things to happen according to His will, as he would not be able to purpose things, since does not know what is coming yet!
Genesis speaks of God's repenting.
I Sam 15:29 quotes God as saying he doesn't repent or change his mind.
When we repent, we change our wills.
When God repents, he wills a change.
Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurs to God?