Nor have I. The charismatic movement would love for you to believe they are growing, and they may actually be more visible, what with a down economy and people turning to God for "miracles." These churches are more than willing to attempt provision of what can actually only be given by the hand of God.
The lower the economy, the more active the "signs and wonders" churches become. During the Depression, these churches flourished as people sought "divine intervention" to get them a job, save their farm, get food on the table and clothes on their back. But the movement quickly declined during the war years as the economy rebounded in the effort to defeat fascism and hegemony. It shouldn't come as a surprise that, today, as the uncertainty of life grows daily, people turn to "houses of worship" that claim to provide answers through the "prosperity gospel" and other false teachings that abound during difficult times.
I wouldn't worry about it. The truth will prevail, and though some good and faithful people may be temporarily led astray, the revival that will come prior to the Lord's return will bring them back to His path.