Isaiah is truly remarkable man. He so precisely pointed out the major transgression of Israel that it became universal condemnation that exposed unlimited greed and sinister nature of all humankind.
Isaiah 5.8
8.”Woe to those who add house to house, and joint field to field until there is no more room, so that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!”
After that statement Isaiah change the subject and turned to another common fault and error of the people, announcing that they do not pay attention to the great and marvelous works and deeds of GOD.
Indeed, because of the narrow-minded nature of most humanity, the humans do not see the nature and entire physical world as marvelous, amazing, astonishing, and wondrous creation of the Intelligent Mind, but instead concentrated on their every day chores and meaningless pursuits without understanding of the incredible physical and spiritual word they are surround by.
For this reason Isaiah issued another condemning statement:
Isaiah 5.12
12.”And their banquets are accompanied by lyre and harp, by tambourine and flute, and by wine, but they do not pat attention to the deeds of the Lord, nor do they consider the work of His hands (Psalm 28.5) (Isaiah 5.12).
The Bible often mention of how much the Lord GOD hates the pride of the people, so Isaiah did not miss and this important subject and directly stated:
Isaiah 5.14
14.”Therefore, Sheol has enlarged its throat and opened its mouth without measure, and Jerusalem's splendor, her multitude, her din (noise) of revelry (festivities), and the jubilant within her descend into it.”
We are also witnesses many times how some people turn good to evil and evil to good, particularly then it comes to justice and politics.
And of course this phenomenon does not pass unnoticed by the prophet.
Isaiah 5.20
20.”Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
In the next chapter something really extraordinary happened, Isaiah saw the Lord GOD with His angels, sitting on His throne, and this is not the only one account in the Bible about such incredible vision recorded in the Holy Book.
Isaiah 6.1-2
1."In the year of king Uzziah's death (740 B.C. Also known as Azariah), I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train (edge) on His robe filling the Temple.
2.Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings, with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”
While the Lord GOD asked whom to send to the people of Judah to warn them about their transgressions and upcoming disaster, Isaiah offered himself to be such messenger.
And so, Isaiah delivered the message of GOD saying:
Isaiah 6.9-10
9.”And He said, 'Go and tell this people: Keep on listening but do not perceive, keep on looking but do not understand.'
10.Render the hearts of this people insensitive, *their ears dull, and their eyes dim, lets they see with they eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and return, and be healed.”
~ 9-10. *Eyes do not see, ears do not hear: (Deuteronomy 29.4) (Isaiah 6.9-10, 29.10, 43.8) (Ezekiel 12.2) (Matthew 13.14-16) (Mark 4.12, 8.18) (Luke 8.10) (John 12.40) (Acts 28.25-27) (Romans 11.8-10)
And of course disaster came as it was predicted, but this is not the end, because after every storm always comes calm. So Isaiah also reassured people by saying:
Isaiah 6.13
13.”Yet there will be a tenth portion in it, and it will again be subject to burning, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump."
This means that no matter how many perished in Judah and Israel for their iniquities and transgression, there will be always remnant remain no matter how small it is.
GOD constantly cleans His people from all impurities and dirt just like precious metal, and so the same thing He does to His church, because the remnant of holy people will be always saved and preserved by the Lord no matter the time period or of their nationality, GOD ALWAYS SAVES His holy ones.
And again, just like the earthly father punishes his children for wrong doing but after that forgives them and loves them as before, the Lord GOD treat humanity in the same way, He punishes people for their evil deeds, and forgive those who repent, and care and love them as before.
So let us take to account our own deeds and thought through our own acts in order not to fall under wrath of GOD, but be accepted and remain holy as a remnant of His pasture.
Isaiah 5.8
8.”Woe to those who add house to house, and joint field to field until there is no more room, so that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!”
After that statement Isaiah change the subject and turned to another common fault and error of the people, announcing that they do not pay attention to the great and marvelous works and deeds of GOD.
Indeed, because of the narrow-minded nature of most humanity, the humans do not see the nature and entire physical world as marvelous, amazing, astonishing, and wondrous creation of the Intelligent Mind, but instead concentrated on their every day chores and meaningless pursuits without understanding of the incredible physical and spiritual word they are surround by.
For this reason Isaiah issued another condemning statement:
Isaiah 5.12
12.”And their banquets are accompanied by lyre and harp, by tambourine and flute, and by wine, but they do not pat attention to the deeds of the Lord, nor do they consider the work of His hands (Psalm 28.5) (Isaiah 5.12).
The Bible often mention of how much the Lord GOD hates the pride of the people, so Isaiah did not miss and this important subject and directly stated:
Isaiah 5.14
14.”Therefore, Sheol has enlarged its throat and opened its mouth without measure, and Jerusalem's splendor, her multitude, her din (noise) of revelry (festivities), and the jubilant within her descend into it.”
We are also witnesses many times how some people turn good to evil and evil to good, particularly then it comes to justice and politics.
And of course this phenomenon does not pass unnoticed by the prophet.
Isaiah 5.20
20.”Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
In the next chapter something really extraordinary happened, Isaiah saw the Lord GOD with His angels, sitting on His throne, and this is not the only one account in the Bible about such incredible vision recorded in the Holy Book.
Isaiah 6.1-2
1."In the year of king Uzziah's death (740 B.C. Also known as Azariah), I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train (edge) on His robe filling the Temple.
2.Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings, with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”
While the Lord GOD asked whom to send to the people of Judah to warn them about their transgressions and upcoming disaster, Isaiah offered himself to be such messenger.
And so, Isaiah delivered the message of GOD saying:
Isaiah 6.9-10
9.”And He said, 'Go and tell this people: Keep on listening but do not perceive, keep on looking but do not understand.'
10.Render the hearts of this people insensitive, *their ears dull, and their eyes dim, lets they see with they eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and return, and be healed.”
~ 9-10. *Eyes do not see, ears do not hear: (Deuteronomy 29.4) (Isaiah 6.9-10, 29.10, 43.8) (Ezekiel 12.2) (Matthew 13.14-16) (Mark 4.12, 8.18) (Luke 8.10) (John 12.40) (Acts 28.25-27) (Romans 11.8-10)
And of course disaster came as it was predicted, but this is not the end, because after every storm always comes calm. So Isaiah also reassured people by saying:
Isaiah 6.13
13.”Yet there will be a tenth portion in it, and it will again be subject to burning, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump."
This means that no matter how many perished in Judah and Israel for their iniquities and transgression, there will be always remnant remain no matter how small it is.
GOD constantly cleans His people from all impurities and dirt just like precious metal, and so the same thing He does to His church, because the remnant of holy people will be always saved and preserved by the Lord no matter the time period or of their nationality, GOD ALWAYS SAVES His holy ones.
And again, just like the earthly father punishes his children for wrong doing but after that forgives them and loves them as before, the Lord GOD treat humanity in the same way, He punishes people for their evil deeds, and forgive those who repent, and care and love them as before.
So let us take to account our own deeds and thought through our own acts in order not to fall under wrath of GOD, but be accepted and remain holy as a remnant of His pasture.