Many have been the posts on BB chastising folks here who just plain flat don't like ANYTHING about the "0".
The big talking point is always "I will challenge him on the issues, and not just condemn the man because he is who he is.", or some variation of same.
How many times does a dog have to bite you before you condemn him for what he is, rather than taking each bite as a separate issue????
C'mon folks , get real! This man is a disaster for our country and he should be opposed for what/who he is - not just on every individual issue, lest you get bogged down and fail to see the larger picture!!
The big talking point is always "I will challenge him on the issues, and not just condemn the man because he is who he is.", or some variation of same.
How many times does a dog have to bite you before you condemn him for what he is, rather than taking each bite as a separate issue????
C'mon folks , get real! This man is a disaster for our country and he should be opposed for what/who he is - not just on every individual issue, lest you get bogged down and fail to see the larger picture!!
So far he is doing precisely what he indicated he would pursue prior to '08, and the only surprise I see is the vigor with which he is doing it; I honestly expected him to be a bit more suave in his approach to lull the masses; but lulling doesn't seem to be a problem---!