Well-Known Member
The issue presented by this thread revolves around the ever-debated question whether it is possible to believe and obey Jesus as Savior, but not as Lord.
Jesus warns there are many (not a few or some) professing Christians who are really disciples of Satan (Matthew 7:21 ff.).
There are but few who find the strait gate and narrow way, i.e. the true, biblical Christ (verse 14).
A changed life producing the fruit of the Spirit (2 Cor. 5:17; Galatians 5:22 ff.); one who loves the true God and neighbor (Mark 12:30-31), is an essential proof of one’s having been adopted into the family of God (Ephesians 1:5).
Furthermore, those whom God loves; He disciplines (Hebrews 12:6). His efficacious discipline always effects a loathing of sin.
George Floyd had none of these essentials.
Had he been killed while preaching the Gospel, he would and should be held up as a Christian martyr and role model.
Or had he been killed for purchasing a Bible with a genuine $20 bill, his Christian martyrdom would and should be honored.
Or had he been killed while feeding the hungry and homeless, his selfless service to others would and should be honored.
But that is not the case. High on several drugs, he attempted to purchase cigarettes with a bogus $20.
It is my contention that our Lord will not allow His honor and the honor of His Christian Body be desecrated and defamed worldwide by the unrepented sin of an alleged rebellious child.
The true child of God will turn from his sin BEFORE he dies.
Such turning will be the efficacious gift of God.
Such turning will be proof of the love of God in his life.
I would be willing to wager not one person on this board would call for ‘Mama’ when in imminent danger of death, as did Floyd. Instead, we would call on the name of the Lord. It would be an automatic reflex, requiring no deep thought.
Candace Owens, a black Conservative who works for Turning Point USA, has posted the following video which details Floyd’s lengthy criminal history.
She disavows the over-the-top honor and reverence given Floyd, who allegedly fathered five children by several women, calling him out for being the unrepentant criminal he was.
She also rebukes the false narrative depicting police as racist against blacks when black on black crime is the real problem. Her testimony is quite powerful, guaranteed to gain her a multitude of haters, both black and white.
According to the Houston Chronicle, Floyd’s ‘Christianity’ was evident to his friend, Christian rapper, Ronnie ‘Reconcile’ Lillard, “He was a very spiritual man. He’d say things like, ‘God is good’; ‘amen, amen.’”
Such is the spirituality of much of professing Christendom.
No one on planet Earth disagrees he was wrongfully murdered by evil men in uniform, who will themselves face the judgment of man and God.
Let us Christians not participate in the emerging new religion requiring we bend the knee to Black Lives Matter in the name of George Floyd.
We Christians will bow to Jesus Christ and Him alone, because it is Jesus Christ Who Matters.
Jesus warns there are many (not a few or some) professing Christians who are really disciples of Satan (Matthew 7:21 ff.).
There are but few who find the strait gate and narrow way, i.e. the true, biblical Christ (verse 14).
A changed life producing the fruit of the Spirit (2 Cor. 5:17; Galatians 5:22 ff.); one who loves the true God and neighbor (Mark 12:30-31), is an essential proof of one’s having been adopted into the family of God (Ephesians 1:5).
Furthermore, those whom God loves; He disciplines (Hebrews 12:6). His efficacious discipline always effects a loathing of sin.
George Floyd had none of these essentials.
Had he been killed while preaching the Gospel, he would and should be held up as a Christian martyr and role model.
Or had he been killed for purchasing a Bible with a genuine $20 bill, his Christian martyrdom would and should be honored.
Or had he been killed while feeding the hungry and homeless, his selfless service to others would and should be honored.
But that is not the case. High on several drugs, he attempted to purchase cigarettes with a bogus $20.
It is my contention that our Lord will not allow His honor and the honor of His Christian Body be desecrated and defamed worldwide by the unrepented sin of an alleged rebellious child.
The true child of God will turn from his sin BEFORE he dies.
Such turning will be the efficacious gift of God.
Such turning will be proof of the love of God in his life.
I would be willing to wager not one person on this board would call for ‘Mama’ when in imminent danger of death, as did Floyd. Instead, we would call on the name of the Lord. It would be an automatic reflex, requiring no deep thought.
Candace Owens, a black Conservative who works for Turning Point USA, has posted the following video which details Floyd’s lengthy criminal history.
She disavows the over-the-top honor and reverence given Floyd, who allegedly fathered five children by several women, calling him out for being the unrepentant criminal he was.
She also rebukes the false narrative depicting police as racist against blacks when black on black crime is the real problem. Her testimony is quite powerful, guaranteed to gain her a multitude of haters, both black and white.
According to the Houston Chronicle, Floyd’s ‘Christianity’ was evident to his friend, Christian rapper, Ronnie ‘Reconcile’ Lillard, “He was a very spiritual man. He’d say things like, ‘God is good’; ‘amen, amen.’”
Such is the spirituality of much of professing Christendom.
No one on planet Earth disagrees he was wrongfully murdered by evil men in uniform, who will themselves face the judgment of man and God.
Let us Christians not participate in the emerging new religion requiring we bend the knee to Black Lives Matter in the name of George Floyd.
We Christians will bow to Jesus Christ and Him alone, because it is Jesus Christ Who Matters.