More Damning Evidence
Southern Baptist Charismatic James Robison having a ‘high-five’ moment with the Antichrist.
This week I was blessed to be part of perhaps an unprecedented moment between evangelicals and the Catholic Pope. On Tuesday, for nearly three hours, a few of us were blessed to meet in an intimate circle of prayerful discussion and lunch to discuss not only seeing Jesus’ prayer answered, but that every believer would become bold, joy-filled witnesses for Christ.
Consider some events leading to this supernatural gathering at the Vatican in Rome. Years ago
God told me to reach out beyond the safe, comfortable walls of my Southern Baptist tradition. He wanted me to reach beyond denominational barriers and seek to bring the family together so the church would put His arms around a hurting world and pull everyone close to His heart. I reached outside my sectarian Baptist comfort zone to Pentecostals, Charismatics and Catholics, as well as those outside the church. (Source:
How many times have you heard the false prophets declare, ‘
God told me…..’?
Had Robison checked his Bible he would have seen the true God’s admonition to
have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Apparently the Sacrifice of the Mass, Transubstantiation, Idol Worship, Mariolatry, Prayers to the Dead, Purgatory, centuries of Christian blood-letting, the unbridled greed and love of money, as well as the centuries-old practices of homosexuality and pedophilia are not considered ‘darkness’ in the confused mind of this popular televangelist.
Robison, Osteen and Billy Graham share the deluded conviction that “crooked is the gate, and wide is the way which leadeth unto life, and many there be that find it.”
Providentially, in the two verses following Matt. 7:14, Our Lord reveals the signs by which His Elect can identify the false prophets:
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
The false prophets will profess to be upright, honorable Christians who sincerely preach the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth, yet will teach doctrines of devils which negate the straight and narrow way to life.
Secondly, they will seek to gather spiritual wisdom and fellowship from the very Son of Satan, the Man of Sin: the Antichrist.
Ken Copeland and John Arnott (of Toronto Blessing Infamy) were among those gathering grapes from thorns and figs from thistles.
The man on the right dressed in official religious regalia is the Anglican ‘Bishop’ Tony Palmer, the instigator of this thorn and thistle gathering luncheon.
The meeting took place on June 24.
‘Bishop’ Tony Palmer was killed on July 20.
The Moral: Thorn and thistle gathering is a dicey piece of business.