John Boehner has an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal today
where he calls on President Obama to name the spending cuts he would enact to avoid the sequestration cuts. Does anybody really expect Obama to name spending cuts? Especially since Boehner is calling the sequester cuts "Obama's Sequester" and that it was Obama's idea for the sequester cuts?
Well, if that is so Mr. Boehner, the sequester cuts MUST be the cuts Obama prefers. So Obama has already made his choices, numbskull. He's just going around the country with speeches and photo-ops because he knows he can outdo you in public relations and campaigning.
We all know that these automatic cuts will affect the military and defense industries more than any others (entitlement programs are mostly unaffected). Isn't that what Obama wants? And isn't that what Republicans don't want--defense cuts?
Know this--once the defense cuts are happening it will be difficult to restore them. I think Boehner is playing a fools game of chicken with these defense cuts.
where he calls on President Obama to name the spending cuts he would enact to avoid the sequestration cuts. Does anybody really expect Obama to name spending cuts? Especially since Boehner is calling the sequester cuts "Obama's Sequester" and that it was Obama's idea for the sequester cuts?
Well, if that is so Mr. Boehner, the sequester cuts MUST be the cuts Obama prefers. So Obama has already made his choices, numbskull. He's just going around the country with speeches and photo-ops because he knows he can outdo you in public relations and campaigning.
We all know that these automatic cuts will affect the military and defense industries more than any others (entitlement programs are mostly unaffected). Isn't that what Obama wants? And isn't that what Republicans don't want--defense cuts?
Know this--once the defense cuts are happening it will be difficult to restore them. I think Boehner is playing a fools game of chicken with these defense cuts.