Judge Says Conservative Student Groups Can Sue UC Berkeley over Speech Restrictions | Breitbart
A U.S. District Judge ruled this week that conservative student groups will be able to proceed with their First Amendment lawsuit against UC Berkeley.
According to a report from SFGate, U.S. District Judge Maxine Chesney of Oakland decided on Wednesday that UC Berkeley’s recent speech restrictions were motivated by security concerns rather than partisan bias. Despite this, Chesney said that conservative student groups at UC Berkeley will be permitted to proceed with their lawsuit, which claims that the university violated their First Amendment rights by placing unusual restrictions and astronomical security fees on visits by guest speakers.
A U.S. District Judge ruled this week that conservative student groups will be able to proceed with their First Amendment lawsuit against UC Berkeley.
According to a report from SFGate, U.S. District Judge Maxine Chesney of Oakland decided on Wednesday that UC Berkeley’s recent speech restrictions were motivated by security concerns rather than partisan bias. Despite this, Chesney said that conservative student groups at UC Berkeley will be permitted to proceed with their lawsuit, which claims that the university violated their First Amendment rights by placing unusual restrictions and astronomical security fees on visits by guest speakers.