Earlier on the "Cals dislike it when smart people disagree with them" thread...I posted a personal opinion that was reasonably construed to be inappropriate, and I was called out by the mod for it. While it was not meant to be personal or an insult....it was foolish to express that opinion. For those who were offended, I apologize...I do not always do a good job of discerning when to keep my mouth shut.
Whether what was posted was how I truly felt or not, there are appropriate places to discuss certain issues and express certain beliefs. Thumper's mama may just have been correct..."If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". This was not the appropriate venue to express such opinions.
Whether what was posted was how I truly felt or not, there are appropriate places to discuss certain issues and express certain beliefs. Thumper's mama may just have been correct..."If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". This was not the appropriate venue to express such opinions.