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King James Version Only organised by a Freemason Sect

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Ben W, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Recently Moriel Ministries reported that the first group to accept that there is only one bible that is the 1611 King James Only Bible were in fact a sect within and still in Freemasonry. Which in my mind nullifies any teaching they have on the subject. Freemason Sects have no place in the churches teachings.

    I mainly use three bibles. the NKJV predominantly also the NIV and the Living Bible. I soon hope to have a messianic translation which will refer to Jesus as Yashua which will make for interesting reading!
  2. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Can you provide some more info, ie. who is Moriel Ministries, where they said this, etc. Thanks.
  3. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Oh puh-leeze!!! :rolleyes: [​IMG] :rolleyes:
  4. kman

    kman New Member

    May 21, 2002
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    All doctrines must be checked against scripture, regardless of where people "perceive" they came from.

    If it is biblical..keep it.

    If not..chunk it.

  5. eric_b

    eric_b <img src="http://home.nc.rr.com/robotplot/tiny_eri

    Aug 19, 2002
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    That theory is just silly; the Freemasons were too busy plotting Lincoln's assasination and hiding alien technology to start the KJVO movement [​IMG]

    Actually, the freemason movement is proudly theistic, not Christian, and do not accept any version of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Given that, I doubt they have a translation preference.

  6. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    MAybe someone can expound on this, but Order of Freemasonery that exists today was not around during the time that the KJV was written.
  7. LRL71

    LRL71 New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Perhaps we should cut open Possel Ruckman's head after he dies and we will find little aliens running out of his head! :D

    [ October 11, 2002, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: LRL71 ]
  8. Joe Turner

    Joe Turner New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    What Granny Gumbo said...exactly! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] :rolleyes:
  9. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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  10. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 16, 2002
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    How many of the K.J.V only sect are masons? The freemasons are not likely to tell you. That is the reason for being an organisation closed to the public. however if we go to the John Ankerberg website which exposes false teachers within the church we can find a great deal about the freemason movement and its grip on many within the Baptist church.

    Freemasonry and Co-Freemasonry have many sects within them. It is a fact that many masons in leadership within the lodge over their Christian members are in fact members of the Spiritualist Church. What does the bible say about practicing Witchcraft? Are you aware that to go through the degrees you must go through the rituals of the Egyptian God Orasis.

    There is much I can show you about why the lodge is not for a Baptist. But the truth is any Christian who carefully studies their bible knows it already.

    The Cult that teach KJV only are in error. It is a deception designed to split up churches.
  11. eric_b

    eric_b <img src="http://home.nc.rr.com/robotplot/tiny_eri

    Aug 19, 2002
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    I'm not KJVO but I think it's a bit ridiculous to call them a cult, and your claim that they are trying to split up churches is pretty silly too. They just believe that King James is th only Bible, because it's been around for hundreds of years and other translations haven't. There's no vast international conspiracy and no malice involved. If you disagree with them on the issue (as I do), then make points about the issue, not ad hominum attacks on their character.

  12. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Thank you, Bro.Eric...you sure do seem to be wise & level-headed for someone who appears to be so young! [​IMG]

    I love & use the KJBible because I believe & trust it. ;)
  13. Terry_Herrington

    Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    This "belief and trust" are both subjective. What is lacking is objectivity. Everyone thinks that what they believe is true; it does not make it so. Your preception is fine for you, but where are the irrefutable facts to back up this belief and make it universal to all English speakers? They do not exist, therefore, it is all based on falsehood. :rolleyes:

    Sorry, but, as you might put it, "This ole dog just won't hunt." (facts stated southern style) [​IMG]
  14. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Well, I'm so sorry, Terry Herrington, that you got yo'self a huntin' dog that is a no good rascal. [​IMG]

    Now what/who I believe and trust is inborn in me by my Saviour who has never led me astray in all these nearly 50yrs and do you, my fine southern friend, think it really matters what you have to say about it? :rolleyes:

    The KJBible is both perfect and trustworthy...and that dog does hunt! ;) "sic'em, boy!"
  15. LRL71

    LRL71 New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    I'm not KJVO but I think it's a bit ridiculous to call them a cult, and your claim that they are trying to split up churches is pretty silly too. They just believe that King James is th only Bible, because it's been around for hundreds of years and other translations haven't. There's no vast international conspiracy and no malice involved. If you disagree with them on the issue (as I do), then make points about the issue, not ad hominum attacks on their character.

    Eric</font>[/QUOTE]eric_b has a great point here. Largely, those who advocate KJV-onlyism do so to 'defend' the Bible. Although ignorant (not to be taken in a deraguatory manner, but rather as being uninformed/uneducated about the facts) of Bible doctrines and textual criticism, KJV-onlyists defend the Bible as they only know how without any good knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, and textual criticism. Most KJV-onlyists are not intentionally divisive per se, but rather they are at best misguided. I'd say that their hearts are in the right place, but their heads aren't. I don't think that any of the KJV-onlyists here wish to divide believers intentionally, but their adherence to KJV-onlyism does cause problems! Eric_b is correct that we shouldn't attack a person, but rather their false beliefs. Is KJV-onlyism heresy? Yes, I believe it is, but those who hold to it are not necessarily 'heretics'.
  16. Terry_Herrington

    Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    The KJV bible is not without error. There is as many errors in this translation as in the NIV or the NASB or the NKJV. The problem is that many KJVonlyists are not able to face the truth. God perserved His Word in the many manuscripts available. He did not perserve it in any one translation.
  17. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Then why do you reckon so many folks tend to make such a big deal over the few of us who do believe we have a perfect copy of God's Word? :confused:
    ...Go ahead, chase them rabbits. [​IMG]
  18. ChristianCynic

    ChristianCynic <img src=/cc2.jpg>

    Dec 4, 2001
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    Gumbo, the "big deal" is already made. It's there because the KJVO side makes up the aggressors in this fray. The point of the gospel is not translations of the Word. But any church I am aware of that takes a KJVO position is going to have a "statement of faith" or some such thing that says a facsimile of: "We use and accept the King James Bible only, as it is the only true Word of God." I don't know what they would try to do if they called on someone to read scripture and he reads it from an obviously non-KJV. Maybe I will go to one those churches and try that some time to find out.

    Biut the point for message boards is that KJVO's will directly attack those who do not accept their man-made doctrine, and that is the reason this is a popular forum. On other boards, they often title their boards "KJV [something or other]" and then you can discuss almost anything there except the KJVO issue! Imagine if there is a New York Yankees board in which you can discuss anything except the pros and cons of the Yankees.

    Now, how about a clear specific question in regard to this perfect Word... Do you hate your parents or children or spouse? Luke 14:26 (KJV) says you cannot be His disciple if you do not. Is the KJV rendering pefect and preserved for the English-speaking people or does it mean anything less than the "perfect" wording denotes?
  19. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Hi Cy! [​IMG] What is that noise I hear??? [​IMG] Oh, I know what it is...New York Yankees?!! ...foul ball! :eek:

    My dear parents are dead & my daddy was an alcoholic, nor did they go to church; but it didn't stop me from serving Christ. I didn't hate them in the sense of disliking them, because the Bible instructs us otherwise-Rom12:10.

    I think that verse in Luke simply means that our love for our Saviour is to be much more than our love for anyone or anything else.

    I'm not one to argue Scripture & I don't claim to know all there is...but I think if a conflict exists between the will of God and the will of a loved one, God's Will should win everytime!

    Even tho' my husband is my head(& I know he'd never do this), if he told me I couldn't serve God anymore, I'd have to respectively disobey him about that & follow Jesus.

    We've had family members disown us for our stand, but that don't mean I don't love them...I just love the Lord more!
  20. ChristianCynic

    ChristianCynic <img src=/cc2.jpg>

    Dec 4, 2001
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