I think, and I can't speak for ALL believers; that Evangelicals are following Trump not because of his stellar witness or claims to be a Christian, but because of all the candidates, they see him most capable of protecting their religious freedoms from those coming from abroad, and over our borders!
Then those Christians are quite deceived. With Trump, the threat to religious liberty in the man himself, not a threat coming from somewhere else. He has explicitly opposed religious liberty by suggesting that one's religious beliefs should determine whether or not they enter the country, and whether or not they enter under government surveillance. This is completely counter to the letter and spirit of the First Amendment. Moreover, the Baptist movement has historically stood for religious liberty for all people - including Muslims - so one should consider whether or not one is truly a Baptist if he or she doesn't believe in religious liberty for all.
Trump is definitely NOT a defender of religious freedom.
That he is most likely to do the things, as outrageous as they are, he has said he would, versus the typical politician!
Yes, and that's a problem. If someone tells me he wants to dismantle the First Amendment's provision on freedom of speech and religious liberty, that's bad enough. But if that person is someone who I believe will actually try to follow through with it, that's even worse.
I don't believe support for Trump is an endorsement of his religious character or lack of it, but an endorsement for change from the typical and downward spiral of this nation at the hands of the political class!
So the solution is to take control away from the mediocre and corrupt and turn it over to someone who doesn't even make a pretense of caring about the Constitution, the dignity of other people, and has NO experience leading people who are not sycophants?
Widespread "Christian" support for Trump is clear evidence of the profound failure of the majority of the American church over the last 50 years.