Well, the original op asked for solutions apart from the Democrats and Republicans. The solution is to govern this nation by the Constitution. Neither party goes by or respects the Constitution. The last time the US Government followed the Constitution in declaring was WW2. We have lost thousands in Korea, Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Somalia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Panama, Croatia, etc, etc. We did not declare war, and it is a mess in all these places. Why, because we did not declare war, we did not go in to win, and win decisively, with a quick exit. No the unconstitutional way is to half win and rebuild the damage we caused.
The Constitution was written for a purpose, to govern this nation. The President and Congress are suppose to be servants of the people, not taking all the power and treasury they can lay their hands on. Congressmen's salaries are near 200,000. They work 126 days a year. When they are in session, most of the time is spent playing political games. Everyone of them ought to be in the penitentiary for theft.
The governments number one job is to protect our borders and defend our liberty and freedom. Both parties have failed miserably. They have no Constitutional authority to run up debt, redistribute wealth, or to establish a federal reserve.
Both parties support gay marriage, and in reality the result on the abortion rate is exactly the same. Since Reagan left office, the Republicans have crammed down our throats liberal candidate after liberal candidate. We have so lowered our expectations as Americans we think Romney and McCain are knights in shinning armor. Let me guess, well over half of you will not get involved in the political process and will feel good about voting for Jeb Bush.
On a Christian basis, both parties are from the pits of hell. Their example is greed, self indulgence, lust for power, love of money, and the next election. There is no difference between the two in the face of a Holy God. We have eyes but do not see and ears and do not hear. If next November rolls around and you have to pick between Bush and Clinton, you got just what you deserve.