I clicked the link thinking this would be yet another legalistic rant against women, only to find the preacher completely and humbly hits the nail right on the head!
Church should be the ONE SAFE PLACE where men should not have to hide their eyes, and sadly, I've noticed every single point the pastor brought up, being displayed right in the house of God. It's not just the "bus kids" or new converts, either. Over and over again I've seen the cleavage, the stretchy, huggy pants, short skirts, tight tops, revealing low-rise jeans and backless dresses in church and in the youth group. This is from wives and daughters of deacons, choir members, etc. These are folks who have been saved for years and years--people who should KNOW BETTER!
It is a sad time indeed, when pastors must preach against this trash in such a personal way because the men of the church aren't doing their jobs in leading their homes. I only wish the pastor had spent more time admonishing the men, because that is also where much of the fault lies. Would to God that Christian parents would stop letting the latest pop icons dictate what the family wears.
By the way, I did listen to the entire segment (around 30 minutes) and I'd be the first to complain if I thought this preacher was out of line.