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mass mailing question


New Member
I am needing to make a list of addresses to e-mail each month to a place that will be doing my mailing and I was wondering what would be the best way to do this? I started on microsoft word spreadsheet but thought I had better check with some one that knows a lot more about this than I do..

***Thanks, Becky***


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Contact the people that are going to set up your mailing list and see what they want.

I'd guess in a database would be easiest, but that would be only a guess. That way they can be sorted any number of ways for future use.


Active Member
Excel works well.
My favorite is the Address Book in OS X. If they are using a Mac where you send it, you could just send the addresses in standard Vcard format.
Most program support the Vcard format like Palm Desktop.

BUt, again you need to know what they want/need.


New Member
I'm not very smart on these things as you can probably tell....but I can't seem to find excel on my computer.


Active Member
Are you using Windows?
If you are using windows xp:
Start/all programs/Microsoft office/excel

If you are on a Mac (probably not but just in case) Macintosh HD/application/Microsoft office/excel


New Member
I have Microsoft Office Tools on my program menu so I just assumed I would have excel.