I don't know or care about what the article says.... But I heard the President's speach, twice. He talked a good talk and had a little something to say to just about everyone to make them feel good. But what I really focused on was the spending.... and most of it with what Washington has determined is good for the country.... so there will be strings attached... and some will produce programs which are not sustainable without choosing either to increase the debts further or gain revenue. I heard what he promised about not taxing or reducing taxes on those under the $250 K gross income: But I also heard his statement regarding balanced budgets, deficits, and burdening future generations with the debts.... and referenced himself as a father with children to impact his views. There is no way under God's creation that this pkg, and the ones before it... and the already hugmongous debt can ever be satisfied..... even through heavy taxation of all of us unless there's a plan to exchange properties or natural resources in our country to satisfy the debt or its accumulating interest. This is the very situation which has played out in poorer countries who have appealed to us for help, accepted it on our terms..... which were brokered by bankers and industry, and resulted in a wealth grab which deprived their own citizens of a slowly persistant and growing economy, which was non competitive with modernization but was progressing until the desire for quick gains overtook their sensibilities or their stabilities.
For those of you who think your income will not be taxed: Think again. I only have to look at my light bill...... and I see this tax and that tax, and franchise fees, and fuel adjustment fees: I buy fuel for my car or lawn mower and pay taxes. Each year my property is adjusted upward in value, and even a reassessment due to age and hurracane damage and some repair needs, or the difference between the current codes and those of 25+ years ago.... does not reflect the depreciation: The land is valued alone at $11,000 /for the slightly under an acer, while similar land is selling for $3000/ an acer for home building within a 3 mile radius in all directions. My phone bill has so many several taxes added for this and that. Purchases are taxed. What about each of you..... reading this? You may considered only your income tax..... but there are many other ways which you are taxed.... by local, state and federal government...... and it is on your income.... and the way you determine to distribute it for your needs or wants. You have little choice in these matters. You may hear a promise not to raise income tax. Is this true? Is it possible......or even probable that this could be made true and yet you are taxed on more things, both overt and covert for which your income goes? When the poor may spend 25% of their budget for family necessities of food, clothing....... but the rich with the same family size for the same necessities spend only 5% of their income for the exact same provisions, who is really being taxed more? Now of course this does not consider that the rich have more discretionary income to dispose of and have greater taxes than the poor....... but it does mean that they have the manipulating room within their budgets more for choices than the poor who must consider mostly necessities and few luxuries. I don't think there is any fairness in taxes and I don't think it is right to penalize and divide rich and poor into classes and divisions. Both have the right to expect just returns for honest labor. It is usury which makes greed without work abound. It is taxes which enslave both rich and poor alike who can find no escape.
And the folks in Washington take taxpayer funded trips to Alaska, or Rome, or the Artic, but bash the jets purchases and trips of the CEO's of industry or financial institutions as a hypocritical show of righteous indignation on our behalf. Give me a BREAK. Neither Obama, and even less so this Congress and Senate have our interest at heart. And they weave stories which sound good on the surface but are full of intended lies and deceit, intended to placate and patronize us into feeling good stupidity and slumber! They go to a audience before each other and make high speaches and applaud each other: Before us they stand proud and boastful and feed us with lies and promises and we go away saying we're satisfied? They mock us with their stories of history revisions, they mock us with their speach and laughter and applause. "We the people, we the people" we say..... and all the while, most of them do not care about 'the people' ..... except to feed us lip service!