No, what they mean is that a verse can refute someone's erroneous interpretation of a proof text.
For instance.......
So, it might all seem like a stupid food fight to you, but it is important to examine all scripture on a given subject. Only then can we determine the truth.
Brother, and I mean that, I think you missed the entire thrust of what I was getting at. I'm not talking about refuting a false Christ. I've argued against the view you mentioned because it cuts to the very core of the Christian faith to think that Jesus was not made like us. But.....
Calvinism and Arminianism as complete systems. Not hybrids, where one embraces 3 or 4 tenets of one or the other. Those people are neither Calvinist or Arminian. They're trying to embrace both a theology based on philosophy and a philosophy based on theology They're just as conflicted, but neither Calvinist or Arminian.
When both WHOLE systems are embraced, it is very much a cutting up of scripture into halves.
Both take election out of context, then argue whether a bicycle has three wheels or four
Both choose a side, either Sovereignty at the expense of Free Will, or Free Will at the expense of Sovereignty. Some say God chooses you, nothing you can do about it and quote six verses of scripture. The other says you choose God and quotes 9 verses of scripture. Ask a Calvinist about those verses which seem to support the notion of free will, and his end doctrine leaves them out. The other side can have them
One says you can lose your salvation and quotes 14 verses, while the other says you will endure to the end and quotes 15 verses. Ask an Arminian what he thinks about those verses which say explicitly that we have eternal life and shall never come into condemnation, and his end doctrine leaves them out. The other side can have them
And all the while, each view is embraced based on half of scripture, while refusing to include the other side's "proof" verses.
And I'm specifically talking about those Calvinists and Arminians who argue vehemently with each other. The polarized types, who ARE throwing scripture darts at each other.
Many of them are so ignorant of church history that they don't even know of any factions other than Cal/Arm/RCC. Their paradigm only allows for these three groups, and anyone who's not in their camp MUST be in one of the other two.
I've seen it in debates, where Calvinists have accused Jehovah's Witnesses of being Arminian - because of works and free will.
I've seen Arminians accuse someone of being Calvinist because he teaches unconditional eternal security - hardly a Calvinist doctrine
I saw a debate in which an Orthodox believer was asked what part of the Reformation his church came out of.
And all the while, these polarized nitwits are condemning each other based on half of scripture - not knowing that BOTH systems as a whole fail the test of scripture
You seem to have no problem associating with the Arminian brand, and I think it's just so that you don't have to call yourself a Calvinist. But you also referenced a Chiliast website not too far back. If you're really a 1st/2nd century Chiliast, then your doctrine would predate the reformation by over a millennium. You should reject both camps and their labels
Like I told Evan, there's no such thing as a "moderate" Calvinist, or a "Two point" Arminian
Those are complete systems. And trying to associate with one camp or another just because of a similarity on two or three points doesn't cut it.
Those are two systematic treatises, with each standing as a whole. Both of them are connect-the-dot philosophies that appeal to certain select scriptures
And I will tell you what I've told Evan in the past - your arguing doesn't win any converts. I've asked many a Calvinist and Arminian - Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?
When you realize he's only trying to convince himself, you are in a much better position to let him be. Besides, it is not man who converts a man. It is the Holy Spirit who converts the heart
And I think that's why John is at this church. I see in him what I had in me for years. Trying to convince myself with my own arguments. And I looked for every opportunity to inject my two cents, never considering the turmoil I was creating everywhere I went
God had to work on me in a way that had nothing to do with doctrine. And it took me being at a church I didn't agree with, then me being run through the ringer by hypocrisy
Only then was I desperate for true fellowship with a body of believers, regardless of what doctrinal difference I had with them.
I just hope John doesn't have to go through what I went through to reach the point of brotherly fellowship in the midst of disagreement