I believe that the Kingdom of God is separate and far better than any of the kingdoms of this world. That includes America which is just one of the kingdoms of this world. Trying to combine one thing which is perfect (the Kingdom of God) and one which is flawed (America) always results in damage to the perfect one (the Kingdom of God). My primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God. If I consider it necessary, I will follow the laws of the Kingdom of God over the laws of America.. I'm, willing to go to prison if necessary just as Paul and many other early Christians did.
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Remember that Jesus emphatically said
He did not come to create a worldly kingdom. His Kingdom is a heavenly one. Neither did He or any of the early Christians try to change the existing earthly powers primarily Rome. Those who claim that the battle for a Christian is to change America to become a "Christian Nation" have their priorities mixed up. Our battle is not with flesh and blood but with the powers and principalities of Satin. There has never been and never will be a "Christian Nation." You're fighting the wrong battle.