You are worried about Christian “dominance” leading to a jeopardized Republican leadership? This...worries you?
I understand its difficult for you to allow for the forming of a conclusion using more than one premise at a time, Use of Time, but I’ll try to make it simple for you. My apologies in advance for causing you so much confusion.
What I am getting at is, that I do not believe the country will be ready for an outspoken Christian who openly intends to form policies according to his Christian principles, morals and values. In leadership, one will react according to his moral values, that is a given, but to express that one will use the “dominating” power of the Executive Office to further Christian values? I think it would be dishonest to deny the Left would have a BIG problem with that they would resort to their typical anti-Christian dysphemisms wherein my "concern" is that Pence would not put up the fight necessary to counter this effectively.
My hope is that our country will move away from the Anti-Christian/Don’t say Merry Christmas/Take down the 10 Commandments/Remove the “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, etc., type attitudes but I doubt the country will have enough of a change by 2024. I’d fear in 2024 that enough of the Left’s base and Independents would be energized against a move toward a more Christian leadership, therefore it (Pence) could jeopardize the possibility of continuing a Republican trend to turn away from Progressive Globalist Ideology and preserve an American First pursuit of Liberty based on the founding of with Christian principles – which, of course, the Left would also deny.
It will take time to undo all the anti-Christian sentiments established by the Left over the years. They have infiltrated our schools with their ideology, PC acceptable thinking, further polluted the minds of unbelievers, attacked gender, marriage and family values and discounted morality with vile relativism beliefs. But, God willing if we keep on the right track there will come a day that we have reversed this trend, when a good and strong Christian leadership will be considered an asset to our country by the majority rather than an offense to the desire to live by strictly worldly values according to whatever their depraved minds can come up with.