This is from a thing I did on door knocking
You are enjoying a relaxing evening at home, supper is almost ready and you are watching the TV News when there is a knock at the door. Three questions come to mind. Who is it? Am I safe? What do they want? You want answers. You disserve answers; it’s your home after all.
There are several things you, as the stranger, can do to answer these questions.
Don’t look like a criminal. Dress neatly, but not so neat that you look like a salesman (they’re out to get you to).
Do stand back, draw an imaginary line between the door and you, three feet should do. This is the safety zone, not your safety zone but the homeowners. You would want to feel that you could get the door closed before the stranger could get you. And so dose the person you are visiting.
Do let them see your hands. Either in front of you or at your side, holding a King James Bible.
Too many times I have gone with the idea that to be successful I must get in. Success is when and only if you have given a Biblical presentation of the Gospel. Get the thought out of your mind, that, you want to get in the door. People can read you from a mile off, remember you want to witness first and foremost and that can be done on the porch just as effectively as the couch. Some people have bigger safety zones than others, if someone seems standoffish just take a step back. I remember times when the door got slammed in our face, and my partner and I would console each other with “It’s not you they rejected but Jesus” or “Shake the dust off your feet brother” when in reality we had violated someone’s safety zone. If you don’t want to get a door slammed in your face, keep your face out of the door!
Tell them who you are. Hello I am Larry and this is Michael, we are from Hopewell Baptist Church. Present your credentials, a Bible and a Gospel Tract.
This leads right to number three “we would like to give you this” or “did you get one of these?” as you reach them the tract. If it is necessary to step forward to reach them the tract, do so then step back. If they refuse it, simply and curtsey switches tracts and offer them one of a different collar. I cant begin to tell you how many times the counter offer has been accepted and things went on to be a productive encounter.
Say something like “it has an important message for you” or “Do you know the Lord?” listen to them.
Ask permission to continue “could we talk for a moment” or “I would really appreciate an opportunity to talk with you” as you make your request, let them see your eyes. The eye is the window to the soul and they have every right to look at you eyes as they judge your motive. Remember you are at there home. Don’t make a move towards the door unless invited, and then use discernment, if it don’t seem right it ant right. Don’t step into a snare of the Devil. Think about jealous husbands or teen-age girls at home alone. I would hope you have enough discernment about you to stay out.
If they don’t want to talk, apologize for the disturbance, thank them for there time. As you move back tell them that there is a phone number on the tract and to feel free to call any time. Ask them to read the literature you left and is there a more convenient time you could visit
Often, when they sense that you are not going to force yourself on them, the level of comfort has now reached a point where they would be interested in hearing you out. A good way to tell is if the door is opened wider now. If you think another request for their time is warranted give it a shot.
If you have been granted permission to continue, change gears. Speak slowly, not sails pitch like, make a little small talk, find something to begin a conversation. What you are doing is letting the person get to see that you are not crazy. Be real, be friendly, if you are relaxed then they will relax. At some level, whether it is a child, dog or the house it doesn’t really matter as long as you are truthful and relax them…….