Because some confuse the two as you do.
I haven't confused anything. I just got sense enough to recognize that no matter how many times folks say "Separation of church and state", the devil doesn't care. He's gonna use any bit of unGodliness that he can to influence the state. So why does the Church think they aren't supposed to use Godliness to influence the state?
Yes. He gives the leadership the country deserves.
Yep and because Christians have chosen to, just like non-Christians, set their politics up as an idol ahead of Christ by supporting a candidate who worships a false god, then perhaps the country deserves four more years of Obama.
Never said anything contrary to this
i didn't say that YOU had.:smilewinkgrin:
And of his 3.5 years of continues lies...THIS you believe :laugh:
I believe that his faith in whatever god it is he is worshiping that is NOT Jesus Christ really does influence the way he governs.
What is more damaging to christianity...mormonism or islam?
Neither. When you've got evangelicals supporting a man who endorses the worship of a god that is not Jesus Christ, Christians have placed themselves as God's enemy. I haven't seen evangelicals en masse pushing for the support of a candidate who worships the Muslim false god.
That's why I keep saying this is absolutely unbelievable how Christians can say they follow Christ and endorse someone who does not.
We take a Biblical stance against candidates who are pro-commit homosexual sex acts.
We take a Biblical stance against candidates who are pro-abortion.
Why aren't we taking a Biblical stance against a candidate who is pro-worship a false god?
we are supposed to keep Christ first above everything else. But it doesn't appear that the worship of a god who is not Jesus Christ quite registers up there with abortion and homosexuality when it becomes an issue of who we want in office.
Yes, it's time for Jesus Christ to come on back and put an end to this when the very ones who are supposed to be witnessing for Him are doing the devil's work by witnessing for that which is against Him.
I honestly cannot see how folks don't think it won't affect their witness by supporting someone who is against Christ.
My comparison was merely to show you choose the best person for the job based on the choices given.
That's a cop out. If you're keeping Christ FIRST, then you're keeping Christ first. And if that means that neither person honors Christ, then neither needs to be supported by those whose witnesses are supposed to be all about them honoring Christ.
If you vote for neither you ultimately vote for the winner. When you remain silent you speak the loudest.
You're thinking too much about THIS world that is not supposed to be your home. If my focus is Christ FIRST and I choose to not vote for either candidate who is against Christ, then I'm voting for maintaining my witness for Christ FIRST so that I may remain useful for helping to expand HIS Kingdom, not the United States economy.
...and its quotes like this that show you do not know the difference between choosing a pastor or choosing a president.
And quotes like this show that a large chunk of Christians don't quite get it when Scripture says
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3:6
Quotes like this show that a large chunk of Christians are talking out the side of their necks when they say they understand
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment. Matt. 22:37-38
If you're loving God with all that you are, you'll keep His commands.
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous 1 John 5:3
Setting politics and getting Obama out of office as foremost while supporting a man who worships a false god is IDOLATRY.
Conservative principles are not for believers only. There are many atheists that believe abortion to be wrong and homosexuality to be unnatural and damaging to families. These are not spiritual principles, although they are guided by the conscience which has a spiritual root.
No, it says that we don't live in Oz and we realize we take any victory we can over socialism and marxism.
Again. Christ is to be first and foremost in the life of the Christian. A candidate could have all the morals in the world, yet the fact that he worships a false god over Jesus Christ should disqualify him in the eyes of those who follow Christ.
As Christ is supposed to be the most important thing to the Christian, who a person is worshiping should be paramount above everything else.
But as I've said to many a Christian. Go ahead and vote for the man who worships the false god. But the world shouldn't hear anything out of you again about a refusal to support, because of your convictions and faith, a candidate who is pro-abortion or pro-gay anything.
You are supporting one or the other whether you admit it or not.
Neither one is getting my vote. I don't know how you see that as supporting one or the other.
Christians who vote for either of them are supporting that which is against Christ.