For certain there is a preponderance of evidence and/or lack of evidence that clearly exposes this large Christian??? cult.
One could make similar analogy to the largest cult called Christian: Catholicism, the roots of which go back to Nimrod and his adventures. This cult wound up in Rome, circa 4th century C.E. Most notable proponents: the Roman Emperor called Constantine, The Great; and his mother, Helena, aka: St. Helena, for having brought back authentic relics of Jesus crucifixion from the Holy Land. Seems her son Constantine had an encounter with a crucifix too: IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. The Emperor was beatified too; but he was not baptized until he was dying. The apparition of Connie seems similar to the one which Joseph Smith Jr. claims to have seen with the personages.
Why do so many millions of people believe such things are from God? They have been mesmerized by the Devil.
These are examples of people being given over to strong delusion, believing a lie--promulgated by the father of all lies.
Only God can call. Pray The Father will call the lost from the ranks of false religion.
As far as the statistics on proselyting are concerned, True Baptists cannot fall away--they are saved, sealed and kept by The Holy Spirit. The stats represent the many repeat after me salvations which is no salvation at all.
Seer stones--not sure about the scale--could it be a petrified gall stone? Joe and his dad were both into necromancy, divination and such. An interesting study: the biographies of Joseph Smith Jr. and Albert Pike of F&AM fame.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Bro. James